So I'm not even sure how this is possible, but Mrs. NJ is PG again... WTF

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my dad and his sister are irish twins...they are only 10 month apart

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Mrs Dex found out she was pregnant with #2 at our sons 1st bday party.

Capt Worley PE said:
Yeah, great. Where the hell am I supposed to put this one...
they can share a room since they will be so close in age

It used to be fairly common to have a large family in a 900 ft^2 house. My dad had two brothers and two sisters, and they lived in a house that size.

For transport: I've seen parents stack 3 kids on a single umbrella stroller. No need for a bulky double stroller!

I cried both times I found out I was pregnant, and stayed in denial for four months each time. So I get the thing about having mixed feelings. Wouldn't trade it now for any of the plans I had for myself, though.

"She said she did all the work!" - Randall in Clerks

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I say NJMike has to name this next kid after either one of us from or the winter storm during which it was conceived.

I say NJMike has to name this next kid after either one of us from or the winter storm during which it was conceived.
after beginning to come to my senses and to grips with this all, I like this idea. Someone from it is...


Wow, talk about a quick turnaround NJ!

Congrats on the little one?!

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How's that old expression go? something like "closing the barn door after the horse already got out".

no need to go ASAP...he's got another 8-9 month +/- reprieve.

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