So I'm not even sure how this is possible, but Mrs. NJ is PG again... WTF

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I'm going to post in here just because I think this is your EB Survivor Challenge thread, and I admire the creativity.

Feel free. I'm sure it's the least of her concerns right now.

did you trip and fall or something? just trying to figure out how you would have the energy...

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I've heard women are most fertile within the first six months after having a baby. The breastfeeding thing doesn't work for everyone - it certainly didn't for my MIL.

I suggest you look into getting snipped ASAP, before life gets even crazier. Hoping things turn out for the best.

Screw the mini van, cops watch those; go for the full size 15 pak. Have a real stabbin cabin...

Damn, congrats NJ! Mrs. Ble wouldn't even let me touch her, much less :bananadoggywow: that soon after she gave birth. I'll have a drink for you this weekend. Oh, and set up an appointment with the urologist asap!

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