Ski Season 2014/2015

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my worse wipe outs are when I ski'd listening to music. Kick start my Heart can lead you to out ski your ability level..

Krak- I think were shooting for next year (but you are welcome to arrange something this year if you miss the white stuff) we have our niece coming from Orlando for MLK weekend..

For the meet up group - my only complication will be if we make this sans kids (no kids)? mine are teens and HFS one of them will be driving next year so we can maybe leave them at home, or we can arrange quarters close by for them (but not the same house) I think most of you need to meet my 3rd kid before he is famous ;)

every time I see a job whose title is "Incident Commander" my brain automatically reverts to SW.. "Fire at will Commander!"

but we waited about 45 minutes because a dude in a Cadillac (rear wheel drive) couldn't make it up to the tunnels (I don't recall the up grade but its got to be close to mountain terrain max for an interstate ( 6%).. some folks got out and sat on the back of his car so he could get traction to make it up..

and ALWAYS stop to take a leak in Idaho Springs (ladies) or somewhere before you get "too far"

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Maybe I can rack up some comp time putting nagging flyers under people's windshield wipers this winter!

Tires do make a huge difference. We put snow tires on my wife's front wheel drive jetta and drove around all sorts of stuck vehicles, including SUVs.

Max grade on I-70 is 7%, right at the Eisenhower tunnel on the east side, down by mp 211 on the west side.

The nicest bathrooms are at the Georgetown visitor's center, across from the gas station. If you are going over Berthod Pass to Winter Park, the public restrooms in Empire are good. Just up the road from Lewis' sweet shop.

The wife was looking at flights last night. Frontier has round trip from Nashville to Denver for $155!!! Seems like I heard they suck but don't remember why. Is it the extra baggage fees they charge to make up for cheap fares?

NOPE! LOL. Never again.

They nickel and dime you for every little thing. And some of the things are so trivial. Customer support is non-existant. And delays with them seem to be much more prevalent than I ever remember.

they are big time nickel and dime... but you can still use them as long as you play their F'n game (check your luggage in online and I think its a tad cheaper) basically anything that makes you not deal with a person saves you a buck...but seriously no way you can talk to a person, minimum 45 minutes wait time on the phone. I think they have their call system like that

having 5 people in the family $50 extra adds up quickly so I understand your dilemma, I think SW sucks also, but they started to suck a little less than Frontier recently.. but for that time of year that's a good rate.. you may just want to Fed Ex your luggage..

also make sure you don't fly the day before one of their "no flights" days, since they are relatively new to South East, Tampa and Even Atlanta they don't have a lot of flights so if one breaks or weather gets screwy they wont be able to help you out...


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