Riddle me this batman

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Warning to anyone actually studying for the October test - RUN! RUN! RUN FROM THIS TOPIC IF YOU NEED TO STUDY!

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Are you guys talking about the "Little Sheet Heads" again?

Me thinks someone might be.

If a plane required the ground to be stationary in order to fly, sea planes wouldn't be able to take off.
what if the plane is trying to take off UP a fast flowing river, one just fast enough to keep the plane stationary relative to shore? :D

that is a different question because an airplane on a conveyor is a frictionless system with the landing gear turning. a seaplane in a river would have to work harder aginst the current, and less hard with the current to get suffifient air speed to ake off.

What is this "the other board" that everybody keeps talking about? I know about "the other board" for their books and stuff, but do they have a forum?

I don't think the plane would fly, because I think it would just get tired and go have a beer and watch tv, that is what I do after I work out on a conveyor belt.

This guy a friend of Fudgey's or something?
You did read my mind. I think he is Fudgey and if he is not I don't mind. He is funny. This is not the place to do that but I will do it anyways; Welcome FlyPaper. This place was fun to be yesterday with you and VT going toe to toe. :15: my friend...

This thread = :15: :16: :poop: :wacko: :hung-037: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse:


Did someone find a way to fold space?

I'm just surprised to see this topic here on this board.
