Congrats!!!!View attachment 20098
Colorado results are in. Don't forget to thank everyone who put up with your nonsense and general unpleasantness for the entire time you were studying - regardless of your results.
Third time was the charm for me. You’re close! Don’t give up!Failed NY Building Lateral. 20 in AM and IR, A, A, IR in the PM.
Last time I had 27 in AM and failed the PM. Now it looks like I was ok in PM but not the AM.
Don't think I'll try again but I've said that before!
At least you passed the lateral! I told myself if I only passed one I hoped it would be that one. Think of how much easier it will be to study for just the vertical instead of both. You'll crush it next time!View attachment 20107
Well I finally gave in.
On the vertical I got 26/40 and A/A/IR/U
Sad part is I blocked the test so far out of my mind that I cant even remember what the wood problem was. I don't remember struggling with the wood problem either. Oh well. At least I got one of them out of the way. Can't wait to be done studying for this test.
Well, I passed! The ball is in his court now... maybe I'll follow-up with the final verdict to complete the story.Stressful and funny at the same time. Should have told your boss after, that the exam was super easy and you breezed through, just to see his reaction. Now, in the scenario where you pass and your boss doesn't, it would be interesting to see how it plays at your workplace! :rotflmao:
Awesome!View attachment 20072NC out! Passed vertical last year and lateral this time. I am very thankful to AEI professors Dr. Ibrahim and Dr. Zayati!
I've taken both the PPI and AEI lateral classes. Disclaimer: I took the PPI course back in 2016 (so it’s probably changed quite a bit since then), but at the time I definitely felt like it wasn’t enough to get me to a spot where I could pass the exam. I know someone who took the PPI class last year, and they felt the same way.I failed both of them
I wonder if those of you who passed it are able to share what course did you take?
I did PPI and it doesn't seem adequate to pass it the exam
Good luck! Sorry your state can't seem to get it together. Although if I'm interpreting your handle correctly, I'm sure you got a great structural education.I'm hoping Illinois comes in today. I've already passed vertical, just need my lateral results.