October 2020 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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what is CTS/PTS?
CTS and PCS are third party services that assist the state boards with the results. I don't know what value they add or even if they do anything constructive. Back in the day, a solid minority of states used those services to "evaluate" the test scores (even after NCEES graded them), and I think helped input the passing grades into the State databases so that licenses can be issued. Historically they just added weeks to the release for certain states. There's a reason why  :pcs:  is a standard emoji on this board.

i didn't feel that testmasters was very good for construction depth.  i've already convinced myself i am doing EET if i have to take this test again.
Do it. This was my 5th time on the exam, twice under Geotech and third time with Construction. The morning session was always my problem since I didn't take the base level courses of a bachelors degree (I got a masters and only had one really accelerated "review" course of what you covered in your bachelors). The EET course was just the right pace to cover a lot of stuff without feeling overwhelming and the binder they give you is a better resource than the CERM (you still want the CERM, there were a handful of questions I had to look up in there). 


I forgot you had a dog. 

Yeah, I've been slacking on that. Sorry.

Here's one from yesterday. I'm scratching his chest in this one and he's try to bite my hand in a puppy-playful fashion.

Also, he no longer hates the penguin. He's mostly indifferent to it.


CTS and PCS are third party services that assist the state boards with the results. I don't know what value they add or even if they do anything constructive. Back in the day, a solid minority of states used those services to "evaluate" the test scores (even after NCEES graded them), and I think helped input the passing grades into the State databases so that licenses can be issued. Historically they just added weeks to the release for certain states. There's a reason why  :pcs:  is a standard emoji on this board.
Ah I see.  Thanks for the clarification.  Come to think of it, I believe all of the proctors in my NJ exam were from the same "organization".  Do they extend to that level? Or is it strictly a result processing thing?

Has anyone in Colorado called DORA yet? They're probably still in bed with this itty bitty snow fall and all.

Posting my results so hopefully it helps others out. I got a 48 total, 28 in the AM and 20 in the PM for the structural depth exam. Killed the AM but I probably should have actually studied for the PM. I thought I would be fine with the PM and only refreshed on the morning stuff since it has been 4.5 years since I took any of those classes.image.png 

Do it. This was my 5th time on the exam, twice under Geotech and third time with Construction. The morning session was always my problem since I didn't take the base level courses of a bachelors degree (I got a masters and only had one really accelerated "review" course of what you covered in your bachelors). The EET course was just the right pace to cover a lot of stuff without feeling overwhelming and the binder they give you is a better resource than the CERM (you still want the CERM, there were a handful of questions I had to look up in there). 
Agree on the assessment of the EET materials.  I'd say I used that for 85% of the test.  The other 15 split between the CERM and a handful of the other listed references.  I'd say even checking those additional references was more confirmation of what's in the EET as well.  

Posting my results so hopefully it helps others out. I got a 48 total, 28 in the AM and 20 in the PM for the structural depth exam. Killed the AM but I probably should have actually studied for the PM. I thought I would be fine with the PM and only refreshed on the morning stuff since it has been 4.5 years since I took any of those classes.View attachment 20054 
Thank you for sharing this with us. The Structural Exam was no easy test. You'll get it next time man. Please take it easy the rest of the day. Cheers man

Ah I see.  Thanks for the clarification.  Come to think of it, I believe all of the proctors in my NJ exam were from the same "organization".  Do they extend to that level? Or is it strictly a result processing thing?
maybe, probably. I know that between the States and/or NCEES that contractors are brought in to proctor the exams. I have no idea how those arrangements are made

hmmm. You mentioned earlier that you and another person at a given LV got results. But others at a different LV didn't. 

Are you and the other person who got the results in California. Are the people still waiting in Nevada?
I think we just figured it out. My friend and I that received our results originally registered in the state of Nevada because we thought that California may cancel. My other two friends that have still not received their results were originally registered in the state of California, and when the state cancelled their exams they were automatically moved to Nevada. So I believe the results for them aren't out because they were registered in CA and CA hasn't started to release results. The testing center was just a symptom, not the cause.

Nevada (Las Vegas) test taker here: passed!!! E-mail sent at 9:02 AM.

View attachment 20044

I took with four people - one at the same testing center as me. We both have our pass results.

The two others that I took it with in Las Vegas were at a different testing site but they still haven't received their results.... what does this mean???!?!?!?!
OK everyone - I think we just figured it out. My friend and I that received our results originally registered in the state of Nevada because we thought that California may cancel (we're all from San Diego). My other two friends that have still not received their results were originally registered in the state of California, and when the state cancelled their exams they were automatically moved to Nevada. So I believe the results for them aren't out because they were registered in CA and CA hasn't started to release results. The testing center was just a symptom, not the cause.


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