Anyone harassed the NCEES chat reps today to see if results will be released?
Please don't do this.
Anyone harassed the NCEES chat reps today to see if results will be released?
I did; the answer was "8 to 10 weeks" Lol
The NCEES chat folks are literally THE LAST PEOPLE at NCEES to know when the results go out. They'll keep saying 8 to 10 weeks until told to say something different - and that happens AFTER the results went out
Are we seriously expecting any states to release results today?
LOL, no!
Has there been any historical records of states releasing immediately after the results are first officially allowed to be released?
Yes! It's basically been that way since Apr 2014. Here's how it works:
- NCEES emails the State board alerting them that the results are ready.
- NCEES asks the board for authorization to release the results directly to the examinees.
- State board (usually the lone civil servant for the board) replies "yes" to the email, whenever that State is ready to do so
- NCEES "presses the button" releasing the results to that State's examinees.
Most States authorize immediately. It's essentially how fast it takes the staff person to check and respond to the email. Other States have to get approval from higher ups, like the board chair, or they have internal stuff they need to do before they authorize it. Remember that some states are on the West coast and their business hours are delayed compared to the East coast.* I figure about ~20 States authorize immediately. Another ~20 authorize within a few hours. The last ~15 wait a day or longer.**
*It should be obvious, but I've been doing this long enough to know that people tend to forget this.
**Yes, there are 55 "States" as far as the PE exam are concerned. In actuality there are 46 States, 4 Commonwealths, 2 insular commonwealths, 1 Federal district, and 3 territories.
By this time, all results must have already been coded into the NCEES site and I hope it's just a matter of flipping the switch from "Exam registration Open" to "Exam registration closed" and sending the results to the board.......Unless NCEES likes to see some drama and is actually having fun reading through all of our comments on here with some popcorn in their conference room... :angry: :redface:
ehh, maybe. But it's more complicated that that. I suspect they have limited staff, especially IT staff and want to have all of their stuff in order before/after/during major milestones/deliveries. And even if it was really that easy, as mentioned above, it relies on the Board staffs being available this late in the day and willing to deal with the avalanche of phone calls that will ensue. I strongly suspect most would want to handle it more efficiently the next morning.
Unless NCEES likes to see some drama and is actually having fun reading through all of our comments on here with some popcorn in their conference room... :angry: :redface:
They really don't.
Only four times?
Can someone check if they can register for the January exam? Mine used to say "Exam already taken," now it says "Registration is currently closed." I wonder if that means I failed?
No. FFS sake let this BS die.
I regret that I can only "rec" this post once.
NCEES just turned off the chat option on the website
I imagine they were getting bombarded by countless curious test takers
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