October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Stopped off at this place in Belize (I think) that was supposed to have local authentic food. I was like “this just some beans and rice, I eat this at home”.

Congee protip: Taiwanese style is even better. You add chunks of sweet potato along with the rice. It's excellent. Also, the toppings are waaaay more complicated/diverse/cosmopolitan. They definitely turned it from peasant food to fancy food. But it's all good.

Stopped off at this place in Belize (I think) that was supposed to have local authentic food. I was like “this just some beans and rice, I eat this at home”.
I'm heading to Guatemala and reeeeally hoping to have better luck finding unique grub.

Pupusas: fastest (or at least, one of) way to get THICC
I spent Christmas last year with a friend of a friend who's from Venezuela.  Bless her heart, she made us arepas the day after Christmas.  As she was rolling up the perfect little cornmeal angels, she told us that Venezuelans always joke that their supermodels still eat arepas but scrape out the insides, leaving just the hardened outside, to cut down on calories.

Then she said that now, Venezuelans "joke" that "even the supermodels are eating their full arepas because they are so hungry."

Def brought some perspective to how lucky we are.

Anyway, that's, like, 2 sad posts from me now.

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?  I'm thinking of checking out a museum and getting an oil change.

The second house fly incident was this past year. I was doing some job shadowing with a P&C engineer out at a substation. There were a couple of caps that had failed on a bank and we were there to read the relays after the sub techs replaced the bad caps. We all (two sub techs, me, and the other engineer) ended up going out to lunch and were eating at a local sandwich joint. The engineer I was shadowing was, as the sub techs put it, “the first engineer to be accepted to the super-secret sub tech club.” As we were eating lunch there was a fly that kept flying around and bothering us. One of the sub techs quickly reached out and grabbed the fly! Well, we thought he grabbed the fly. We were all just sitting there staring at his fist, which was clinched tightly to prevent the fly from flying out if it was in there. The other sub tech that wasn’t holding the fly looked at the other engineer and said, “Rock, paper, scissors, loser has to eat the fly.” The engineer laughed and said, “No way!” I immediately knew if I took the challenge, I could gain some respect from the field folks. Before I was even questioned, I threw up my hands, ready to play. The sub techs were looked surprised and told the other engineer he should be more like me. We played best 2/3, and I lost. When I lost, we all looked to the sub tech holding the fly. He said, “OK, this is the moment of truth. If he’s in there you have to eat him.” He opened his hand and the fly dropped out onto the floor! I quickly jumped out of my seat and snatched up the fly and threw him in my mouth. The sub techs went crazy because they didn’t think I was actually going to eat it. The other engineer was then removed from the super-secret sub tech club and I was instated as the resident engineer. From then on out they called me Bullfrog.

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