October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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And then at some other point in my life I ate a raw grasshopper. I don't remember where, when, or why. Just that I did it.

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?
Moar house renovation (I love my Sawzall). We're hosting Friendsmas so I have 15 people coming and the entire house is still a wild construction zone. FFFffffff....

I'm thinking of checking out a museum and getting an oil change.
These are polar opposites of interesting-ness. Which museum? What part of the country are you in?

Anyway, that's, like, 2 sad posts from me now.

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?  I'm thinking of checking out a museum and getting an oil change.
Sitting on my ass, knitting my advent calendar yarn, and hanging out with puppers (dog sitting).

Edit: And working some on a report for work, because that's my life.

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Moar house renovation (I love my Sawzall). We're hosting Friendsmas so I have 15 people coming and the entire house is still a wild construction zone. FFFffffff....

These are polar opposites of interesting-ness. Which museum? What part of the country are you in?
Yay Friendsmas!  What kinds of renovations are you doing?

I'm in Seattle.  Haven't done enough exploring here, tbh.

What kinds of renovations are you doing?
We bought one heck of a fixer upper. Finished the kitchen remodel a few months ago (started with bare floor, bare walls), currently finishing laundry room remodel (dry rot city) and the guest bathroom remodel (black mold city) so guests can actually use it. The previous owners were whiskey tango, so there is no shortage of projects.

We bought one heck of a fixer upper. Finished the kitchen remodel a few months ago (started with bare floor, bare walls), currently finishing laundry room remodel (dry rot city) and the guest bathroom remodel (black mold city) so guests can actually use it. The previous owners were whiskey tango, so there is no shortage of projects.
Never heard of "whiskey tango" before, despite being from Georgia hahaha.  Good for you for seeing the potential and for putting in the work to make it happen!

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