October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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  <spam class="spam" id="spam">
  <spam class="spam" id="spam">
I see that I'm in a meeting ALL MORNING on the 11th with a really important Secretary...so just my luck, the results WILL come out while I'm sitting there. That's how my life goes. Hardly anything is that simple for me. lol

int spam()
  spam spam, spam, spam;
  if(spam != spam)
    return spam;
    return spam;
so i'll sneak on here to post something one way or the other so that others will know that it's happening but otherwise, i'll join in on the revelry later.

I think the weirdest things I've eaten are: grasshopper, earthworm, house fly x2.

I wanted to like this but I don't like the last part. 

You're a mechanical PE, right? What is the other discipline that you sat for?
Civil WRE! It was...hard.

I started this whole process because I need it to qualify for senior-level jobs (civil license required, so my mechanical PE doesn't meet the MQ and there are no plans to open a senior mechanical position). Fingers crossed for both of us!

Civil WRE! It was...hard.

I started this whole process because I need it to qualify for senior-level jobs (civil license required, so my mechanical PE doesn't meet the MQ and there are no plans to open a senior mechanical position). Fingers crossed for both of us!
oh WRE? you've got this. I hope it works out, obviously.

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