October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Also...the one guy in class didn't sign in.  I'm pretty sure he got a higher score than me since guys...just hit harder easier?
why are you worried about fitness?

why are you worried about fitness?
Mmmm, more like trying to keep myself interested with an undercurrent of worry.  I never exercised when I was younger, except horseback riding when I was younger, but stopped competing professionally around 13.  I've always been overweight but not ultra-overweight?  As in, my frame is really proportional, but the number on the scale is def 'tut-tut' from my doctor.  My family...is the exact opposite of 'healthy lifestyle', with everyone overweight and my parents on numerous medications.  I started exercising in around March of this year, kinda being more serious in June, and I'm actually seeing results?  I never actually thought I could work out, much less lose weight, so any victory is a huuuuuuuuuge thing for me because I, for some reason, thought I would have stopped by now...much less doing well?

Idk.  Deep recessed feeling concerning fitness and exercise and actually realizing that I don't have to be a fat slob for my whole life?

you're saying they won't be released before 130? Or what? confuse
ohh, sorry - inside joke.

will.i.am (not tagging out of respect for him) looked through the map threads and noticed that Ohio has a tendency to send out the results emails between 1:30-2:00. So if hypothetically the results come out at 9:15 this morning, he wouldn't get the email until 1:30ish.

To be clear, I think there is a non-zero chance of release today. But that doesn't mean I think its likely, or that I'm planning my day around it. I mostly expect to continue to talk no0bz off a ledge today

ohh, sorry - inside joke.

will.i.am (not tagging out of respect for him) looked through the map threads and noticed that Ohio has a tendency to send out the results emails between 1:30-2:00. So if hypothetically the results come out at 9:15 this morning, he wouldn't get the email until 1:30ish.

To be clear, I think there is a non-zero chance of release today. But that doesn't mean I think its likely, or that I'm planning my day around it. I mostly expect to continue to talk no0bz off a ledge today

If results come out, I don't think you'll need to be @'d, youll have them lol 
Ohio results have been coming early afternoon of results day 1, which is why I request to be @'d if they come this morning.

Wait, are @Will.I.Am and Miss.I.Am both engineers?  Both going for PE?  Oh dear, that is an awful lot of letters in one bed.
Miss.I.Am is definitely not an engineer. She's very much a musician, like your folks.

lol I think he is referring to MD being one of the first states to post results. 
Yep. Maryland, despite a decades of being last or near last, has been consistently one of the earliest the last few years.

I am NOT joking when I say that I'm relying on you to tell me if/when you got your results. That's how I know its legit and not the usual parade of photoshop trolls.

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