October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I married another low-maitenence STEM type. She's a chemist. I'm not worried about either of us screwing up the financials.
I'm not married but Boyfriend is STEM too. We both tend to go through phases were we spend like assholes and we're both working on that. Neither of us have gotten into trouble with it yet but the potential is there 

I have two older siblings, so I think I end up there as well. I just turned 34, so I'm on the upper end. 
37 here. I'm on the early edge of Gen Y. My wife is a Gen X, but like me is of a Xennial midset. She has an older brother which pulls her closer to X, whereas I have a younger brother who pulled me closer to millennial.

If you are not investing your earnings/savings, then you should max out whatever pretax allowances you can. 
I upped my 401k contribution after the discussions last week. And I plan to look into it more come January to see what I can do going forward. But I also just moved (again) so I'm letting that settle before I do much more 

I don't like how to old generations confuse millennial with Gen Z. I worked with some older people and whenever they see in the news or wherever some kid doing something stupid, they talk about those "darn millennials."

Only millennials would come up with sub-categories so don't don't actually have to call themselves millennials lol! I'm kidding. 
I have zero issue calling myself a millenial. But as a 30yo my experience growing up is different than the kid born in 1995 (or in 1980) and that's due to the rate of change with technology. I think it's a fascinating read

I upped my 401k contribution after the discussions last week. And I plan to look into it more come January to see what I can do going forward. But I also just moved (again) so I'm letting that settle before I do much more 
If you can, automatic contribution increases are useful. Also, I've heard it's good practice that anytime you get a raise to put part of it towards your contribution. They say it makes it a lot easier since you don't get used to the increase in pay. Idk haven't tried it yet.

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