October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Nah.  Really don't want to put the work in for dating/relationships/marriage.

Would much rather just chill with new people, join some meetups, and figure out if I really want to buy a house or just invest/keep renting (aka; I'm not sure I want to be tied down to a location so early in life, especially if I don't have kids/SO).
def agree about the house thing.

i had a coworker in SLO give me shit for continuing to rent and I'm just like "rents and mortgages are the same here in So. ME and I don't have a downpayment because rent is high" plus I thought about buying a house before and it's a huge commitment. I mean I've moved 7 times since 2011 (excluding moving out of my college dorm) 

Wiki says "with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted definition [of millennials]."

I have zero issue calling myself a millenial. But as a 30yo my experience growing up is different than the kid born in 1995 (or in 1980) and that's due to the rate of change with technology. I think it's a fascinating read
I have actually dialed and hung up a phone.

The "save icon" means something to me more than a random image.

Welp, our retirement fund company just emailed me about a webinar in 2 weeks.

"Does your credit score need some help?"

"Understanding how it works and how to take steps to achieve better credit may help you reach your financial goals. Our November webinar will talk about the differences between credit reports and credit scores, how your score is calculated, and we’ll share some tips to help improve your score."

Might as well go, it's free. My credit score is fine

I have actually dialed and hung up a phone.

The "save icon" means something to me more than a random image.
I wrote a report in 6th grade on Belize and saved it to a floppy. I used the Encyclopedia damnit! 

I'm a younger millennial but I can relate to these things...perhaps my parents were just old school. :p
Same. I'm on the young end of Gen y, but I remember our rotary phone growing up and our tv that had a knob for the channels on the front. B&W, too.

Buy a house, and when you want to move just rent it out. Have someone else pay your mortgage while your equity grows.
Eh, then I have that whole absentee landlord nonsense I'd have to deal with.  Plus I hate yard work.  Like, loathe it.  I might buy a condo further on in life, but, again, I think I want to explore the US a little bit more before I settle on a location.  I like Indy so far, but the lack of air transportation is killing me (I got too used to NYC airports where everything was fairly cheap/direct).

My sophomore year of college, I was an RA. I made floppy disk door tags (using construction paper, not actual floppies)

Eh, then I have that whole absentee landlord nonsense I'd have to deal with.  Plus I hate yard work.  Like, loathe it.  I might buy a condo further on in life, but, again, I think I want to explore the US a little bit more before I settle on a location.  I like Indy so far, but the lack of air transportation is killing me (I got too used to NYC airports where everything was fairly cheap/direct).
There are property managers that can handle that, they take it out of rent. But renting out a house with a mortgage, people aren't looking for profits just yet anyways. Its a long term investment.

I have actually dialed and hung up a phone.

The "save icon" means something to me more than a random image.
I'm sorry, I'm laughing because my family still has normal phones at the house on LI (due to a dead patch, cell phones don't get signal at all until we got a private 'home-only' antennae from AT&T).  They had to buy a new set at Costco and they were practically giving them away.

And that save icon.  Shit.  I still have fanfic on a floppy somewhere that I refuse to throw out in case someone finds it.

Eh, then I have that whole absentee landlord nonsense I'd have to deal with.  Plus I hate yard work.  Like, loathe it.  I might buy a condo further on in life, but, again, I think I want to explore the US a little bit more before I settle on a location.  I like Indy so far, but the lack of air transportation is killing me (I got too used to NYC airports where everything was fairly cheap/direct).
Condos are good. Check Florida. I can almost gaurentee you will be able to rent, airbnb, vrbo that place out. I know plenty of people who had condos in FL and they only needed to rent them out a few weekends and nights to cover the mortgage. You'll get snow birds in the winter, and tourists in the summer.

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Also, I'm not sure about equating rent to a mortgage. Though the price might be the same, you can at least sell the house to get money back (in most cases).

There are property managers that can handle that, they take it out of rent. But renting out a house with a mortgage, people aren't looking for profits just yet anyways. Its a long term investment.
Eh.  With house ownership comes a lot of fees I'm not interested in, as well as lead to equity stripping when a HELOC comes into play.  Tbh, I'd much rather have an investment that outpaces inflation and doesn't require additional investments for upkeep/repairs.  I have this argument with myself every couple of years when I change apartments of if I should buy a house or if I should keep renting/investing and it always comes out to keep renting unless I can afford a 2 to 4 family structure to rent out (which I most likely will not be able to afford for many many moons from now).

With house ownership comes a lot of fees I'm not interested in, as well as lead to equity stripping when a HELOC comes into play. 
What fees? And you don't have to get a HELOC. I've been a homeowner for 5+ years with 2 homes and I think it's cheaper than rent.

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