October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Family text message is going ON BLAST this morning.  I guess one of the cats dropped a dead mouse in the bathroom, which my dad ignored when he was in the for his customary 2-hour morning poop, and my mom only found it...after she stepped on it.  There are multiple pictures of the mouse, the cat fighting my mom when she tried to throw it outside, and the subsequent scolding.

The other cat is still asleep on the bed.


All Rise! 
Sorry for the Delay. This is a Criminal Case governed by the laws of the United States of America. Plaintiff's conviction are properly admitted into evidence. There was a security breach yesterday at the Headquarter, therefore, results will be posted on December 25, 2018 Eastern Time Zone.
Thank you All~!
Respectfully yours,
Judge James

I actually meant afford as in...Time is more important than money, and Monday the 17th is closer than I expected.  So I need more time to finish it (and the office gets really cold after the sun goes down, so staying late to finish isn't really working this season).
I have a big project that goes out on the 17th also.  Sucks balls.  Nobody else is getting their part done, so it makes it really difficult to get MINE done.

I think I'm more irritated about it because the person who asked isn't even an engineer in the company?  So it's like they're just asking to be a little shit/kinda giving off the vibe that they're just doing it to see if I failed and will be paid more.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it's put a little bump in my road.
Nope that for sure would have pissed me off too. We’re all hypersensitive to bullshit at this point anyways.

I have a big project that goes out on the 17th also.  Sucks balls.  Nobody else is getting their part done, so it makes it really difficult to get MINE done.
Yeah.  Unfortunately, a ton of this project fell onto me when I got hired due to me pulling the string and highlighting that it was submitted horribly, horribly, wrong.  So I'm rebuilding a relationship with the regulatory agency, trying to prove to a new client I'm competent, working with a new lawyer, and keeping the whole work/life balance in check (since I got really bad burnout from my last job).  ...So I am really billable, but I don't want to stay later in the day if I don't have to.

Nope that for sure would have pissed me off too. We’re all hypersensitive to bullshit at this point anyways.
Yeah.  It's a weird relationship.  Like, I think he likes me (maybe more than a co-worker) and I'm kinda like...You're a jerk, yelled at me in front of a ton of people, got angry that I called you on your autocad bullshit, and I really only want a professional relationship with you.

Update on Family Chat: My mom is now wearing slippers.  P2 has returned with a dead vole (maybe smaller is better).  Mom threw it over the deck and P2 went after it.  Returned with a live vole.

My mother is not pleased.  My father is on his computer, pretending none of this exists.  The other cat is still sleeping on the bed.

Update update on Family Chat: We are now talking about a cruise in June 2020 for the family.  We may or may not invite my sister, who hates cruises and makes everyone miserable if she is miserable.  She is on the text message and is seeing all the shit-talking about her and is not responding.

P2 has been locked outside after she brought the bottom-half of a chipmunk upstairs.  Chub, the other cat, has finally woken up and is eating canned food.

Life is very exciting for retired people.

I have a real life Dwight Schrute that works in my office. It's funny when you watch a 30 minute episode. It's maddening when its 8 hours a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Update update update on Family Chat: My sister has replied and said she wouldn't mind doing the cruise, but her husband couldn't come because 16-days is too long to take from work.  My mom replied with "😨😨😨".  I do not know if that is in reaction to my sister coming or Billy being unable to.

My mother texts like a teenager and it is very confusing since she still types with two-fingers and uses AOL.

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