Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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I don't do cold rain runs.

-10F and dry, sure. 

40F, grey, and rain, no. 
Same. I used to do that. But then I was like "ok, but why?"...after my then fiancé (now husband) wouldn't talk to me after a icy rainy 3 mile run in the dark in preparation for the little rock half marathon.

I also vowed not to race in March because of this exact same occurrence. March race = Winter cold training = ew!

my self quarantine from the gym workout is pretty much going to be this three days a week:

Modified Murp - 

1 mile run

50 pull ups

100 push ups

200 air squats*

1 mile run

* substitute sit ups every other time

should be basic enough to keep me at some fitness level - 
I did this yesterday, but since I don't have a pull-up bar I had to replace those with TRX body weight rows. It kicked my a$$ pretty good!

It’s still a hell of a workout - was shooting for Friday but we still have snow planned here I think?

We bought some rings and webbing - i can’t do all those pull ups so I’ll just do ring rows since I still have a little elbow pain...

Today’s at home workout from my gym is 100 burpees for time and i am going to take a rest day me thinks....

Are you there yet???
This past Feb I made it to 40lbs lost (225lb Feb 2019 to 185 Feb 2020).  It's hard for me to keep losing weight since I'll be going to the gym semi-consistently and then my gym will suddenly close on me (December 2019 and now, March 2020).  I can't do at home workouts.  I need the socializing/telling people to keep pushing to make me actually want to go.  When I'm at's way too easy to just sit on the couch.

Going to keep pushing!  Not sure if I am doing a 5k/half marathon this year since it seems everything is getting cancelled, but I do want to try more running!  Except it's been really bad weather ever since we had out shutdown put in place (rain/ultra cold and I think we have a tornado threat).

This past Feb I made it to 40lbs lost (225lb Feb 2019 to 185 Feb 2020).  It's hard for me to keep losing weight since I'll be going to the gym semi-consistently and then my gym will suddenly close on me (December 2019 and now, March 2020).  I can't do at home workouts.  I need the socializing/telling people to keep pushing to make me actually want to go.  When I'm at's way too easy to just sit on the couch.

Going to keep pushing!  Not sure if I am doing a 5k/half marathon this year since it seems everything is getting cancelled, but I do want to try more running!  Except it's been really bad weather ever since we had out shutdown put in place (rain/ultra cold and I think we have a tornado threat).
Awesome! Keep at it!

This past Feb I made it to 40lbs lost (225lb Feb 2019 to 185 Feb 2020).  It's hard for me to keep losing weight since I'll be going to the gym semi-consistently and then my gym will suddenly close on me (December 2019 and now, March 2020).  I can't do at home workouts.  I need the socializing/telling people to keep pushing to make me actually want to go.  When I'm at's way too easy to just sit on the couch.

Going to keep pushing!  Not sure if I am doing a 5k/half marathon this year since it seems everything is getting cancelled, but I do want to try more running!  Except it's been really bad weather ever since we had out shutdown put in place (rain/ultra cold and I think we have a tornado threat).
I can send you IG clips screaming at you if you want 

I have DOMS at the bottom of my triceps (?) just above my elbows... I've never had DOMS there. So I think it means my form was off on something? 95% of the exercises I did on Tuesday, I've done before (even though it's been awhile) so it's either that 1 new exercise or I jacked up my form on pushups.

ended up doing the home workout from my gym, felt kind of dumb doing 400m in my neighborhood but 5 rounds of:

400 M

20 burpees

15 push ups

its true that burpees are less fun doping them at home..   and this was tougher than i thought it would be. 

We were  doing them in my garage and the wife and i would run out the door to do the 400's - kids across the street were like wtf?
This was my workout yesterday, but instead of the push ups I did DB clean and jerks. My 10 year old did the first two rounds with me and then called it quits! My time was 28:13, but I should probably add some time to that because I don't think I quite hit 20 burpees the last two rounds. I lost count and went off of time, but I think I was around 17-18 on the last two rounds. So add another minute to my time to make up for that. This one was hard! I do find that I tend to go harder now that I'm working out outside because people may be watching and I don't want to be a quitter.

Nice work Ble!  I wish I had snagged some dumb bells before they were sold out everywhere..

Yesterdays workout was more F"n burpees - I guess the are good for you - but Ill keep posting what they are giving us if people need ideas..

100 Burpees, with every minute stop and do 6 alternating jumping lunges -

Start with 6 alternating lunges before doing the burpees -

My time was 11:15 - 

We were also supposed to do some sumo deadlifts with any weight we have but I didnt have anything so I tried to use a black band- didnt work out so I just did the burpee workout...:( 

We have 8 inches of snow on the ground, really wanted to do some bike riding or running... I  havent looked at todays at home workout..

Have you tried 1-legged deadlifts? It's bodyweight, but still works the hamstrings. If you have a sandbag, you could do those while holding a sandbag at your chest.

We have done them but more as a warm up - but i just picked up 2 of these bad boys for cheap!!!!!  70#

Now I can do Thrusters!!  (jesus christ what is wrong with  me) 

Sand Bags.jpg


At home workout version of filthy fifty - not really feeling these anymore to be honest...

50 Alternating Box Step-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings or Banded Pull Throughs
50 Walking Lunges
50 Double Crunches
50 DB Push Presses (Used a black band)
50 Supermans
50 Star Jumps
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders or 150 Single Unders

Time - 25:04 - at lunch :(  

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