NFL Football 2011

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it pains me to say this but I think Cam Netwon will be an above decent QB one day, I was looking forward to him getting his ass beat in this year, mainly cause I hate the Panthers....

it pains me to say this but I think Cam Netwon will be an above decent QB one day, I was looking forward to him getting his ass beat in this year, mainly cause I hate the Panthers....
I sure as heck hope so since we have Ryan, Brees, and Freeman in our division. He's played better than I thought he would so far, but we really need to get the running game going. We also have to get better in the red zone, but hopefully that will come with Newton getting more experience. He's a hell of an athlete, that's for sure.

ngnrd said:
it pains me to say this but I think Cam Netwon will be an above decent QB one day, I was looking forward to him getting his ass beat in this year, mainly cause I hate the Panthers....
I sure as heck hope so since we have Ryan, Brees, and Freeman in our division. He's played better than I thought he would so far, but we really need to get the running game going. We also have to get better in the red zone, but hopefully that will come with Newton getting more experience. He's a hell of an athlete, that's for sure.
It is a little disturbing that Cam was the Panther's leading rusher yesterday. What's even more disturbing is that he's thrown for over 850 yards in two games and they can't seem to actually win. I think the Panthers have more to address than just their running game.
When qb's throw for that kind of yardage in the NFL, they typically don't win the game. Newton was the 6th player to every have 400+ yards in consecutive games (Brady became the 7th yesterday), and of those 7 players, only 3 of them won both games. The others were winless.

The Panthers have a long way to go, that's obvious. Their defense has to quit giving up the long receptions that they've allowed so far or we aren't going to win many/any games this year. As a whole, the team is much improved over last year's and they should only get better.

We're comin' for you Bears...... :bio:


Pats offense looks great, their defense still leaves a lot to be desired. I think they'll struggle against some of their AFC brethren.
unfortunately, I agree wholeheartedly.
That exact scenario was on display yesterday in Buffalo. Hey Brady, you know you were supposed to be throwing to the team with blue pants, not blue jerseys, right?

I think I'm done watching the bears until they make some changes i.e. get a new offensive cordinator or better offense is too painful to watch.

I think I'm done watching the bears until they make some changes i.e. get a new offensive cordinator or better offense is too painful to watch.
I rather enjoy watching Cutler get his ass whooped.

<--- Broncos fan.

Pats offense looks great, their defense still leaves a lot to be desired. I think they'll struggle against some of their AFC brethren.
unfortunately, I agree wholeheartedly.
That exact scenario was on display yesterday in Buffalo. Hey Brady, you know you were supposed to be throwing to the team with blue pants, not blue jerseys, right?
Uunbelievable that they lost the game yesterday. Maybe some swelled heads will shrink and they'll get back in the game. Welker was outstanding yesterday.

the viking/lions game was still going on when we went to turn the bears game on so I switched the channel and minisnick went ballistic...fooball, fooball, fooball he kept saying until i turned the game back on. Even during commercial breaks he went nuts that they weren't showing fooball.

we aren't die hard football fans so I don't know where he learned this behaior from.

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Pats offense looks great, their defense still leaves a lot to be desired. I think they'll struggle against some of their AFC brethren.
unfortunately, I agree wholeheartedly.
That exact scenario was on display yesterday in Buffalo. Hey Brady, you know you were supposed to be throwing to the team with blue pants, not blue jerseys, right?
Uunbelievable that they lost the game yesterday. Maybe some swelled heads will shrink and they'll get back in the game. Welker was outstanding yesterday.
Also unbelievable that the Lions went 3-0 yesterday. I kept waiting for them to go all "Lions" and give it away.

^to come back from being down 20 to win is always great. I assume they won in OT? they cut to the bears game before that one ended and it was a tie game at that point with less than 2 minutes left

Pats offense looks great, their defense still leaves a lot to be desired. I think they'll struggle against some of their AFC brethren.
unfortunately, I agree wholeheartedly.
That exact scenario was on display yesterday in Buffalo. Hey Brady, you know you were supposed to be throwing to the team with blue pants, not blue jerseys, right?
Uunbelievable that they lost the game yesterday. Maybe some swelled heads will shrink and they'll get back in the game. Welker was outstanding yesterday.
He's got that quickness and cutting moves back that the knee injury diminished last year.

^to come back from being down 20 to win is always great. I assume they won in OT? they cut to the bears game before that one ended and it was a tie game at that point with less than 2 minutes left
Yep, it was a field goal in OT.

Poor Bears. LOL They sure need to make some changes. I almost felt bad for Cutler as some of his passes were hitting the receivers right in the numbers and they were just flat out dropping them. Props to their special teams though for the kick-off play where they faked out the whole Packers special teams. Good to see Buffalo beat the Pats. Who would have thought they'd be 3-0?

Great sports weekend in Wisconsin. Pack is 3-0, Badgers beat SD, and the Brewers are NL Central division champs. :party-smiley-048:

I only pulled for the Cowboys last night cause I just cant stand MeAngelo Hall so any team that would have him is just unworthy of my support ;)

And I generally disdain the Cowgirls, but I have to say I gained a little respect for Tony Romo last night, It was really fun watching him cuss out his o-line and receivers, and in general try and take charge during that debocle of a game last night...

and for some weird reason, I was watchig the game at the gym and the headset I was using on the treadmill I could hear almost everything the players were saying, not sure if it was cause I had on headphones, but I heard several F-Bombs and after a running play I heard one of the running backs call someone a Pussy.. it made the game much more interesting to watch ..

^^^ That is why there should be an option of watching Pro Football on HBO or Showtime.

Keep the sensors out of it, and make it fun

