NFL 2010 Thread

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what happened that caused the throwdown in the titans / texans game? They keep showing the brawl, but never said what started it?

I don't know what caused it, but I can't begin to believe that there were no suspensions.

Corteland Finnegan (the one on the receiving end of those punches) was voted the 6th dirtiest player in a poll last season by other NFL players. He was quoted as saying that his goal was to be #1 on the list this season.

Watching the replay of the fight it definately looks like he started it. Andre Johnson decided to finish it.

saw the replay between the noon and 3pm games. Wow...they hardly ever show the fighting in football on tv. With all the pads that really just leaves the head open to attack. looks like he got a few good ones in. No penalties during the game and apparently no league sanctions. They must follow the same rules as hockey if it happens after the whistle then no penalties.

There was some punches in the bears game too, but nothing as bad. again, i was suprised they showed it on tv.

Did anyone make it through that whole game last night? Woof. They were making fun of the game and teams right from the booth during the game.

Could they have hawked next week's game any more?

STEELERS have a huge Sunday night game this week.

And I'm not liking all these injuries. They better suck it up and kick some Raven arse

Colts' defense is a joke and their offense, that is Payton Manning, is horrible. Two pics already and unable to run. Colts are lucky Kitna is the Boys' QB because with Romo it would be 28-7 Cowboys.

...and Manning does it again. Loose the game on another pic, his fourth of the game.

The Bucs are giving the Falcons all they can handle.

It amazed me that the Panthers actually looked like a NFL team for the first half yesterday. They showed their true colors in the second half. Come on Luck!

Despite the win, I think the Panthers are worse than last years Lions.
