NFL 2010 Thread

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Thoughts on the week:

The Falcons looked pretty good, even though the game was close.

Pittsburgh/Buffalo: I feel bad for the dude who dropped that pass in the endzone in OT.

The 'skins dropped a real stink bomb. Crap, crap, crap. Cant run, cant score, cant stop anyone. How do they have FIVE wins??? Wouldnt surprise me if they were 2-9 right now.

Three words: SUCK. IT. MANNING. Although on the second pick-six Reggie Wayne got held and the refs blew the call. Since Wayne is on my fantasy team that sort of sucks. But watching Manning whine to the refs while the play was still going on was pretty funny.

Washington, Dallas and Philly lost, but the NYG's won. Ugly week for the NFC BEast.

I still think Vick did not deserve a second chance. What he did was horrendous. Dog fighting is a bloody thing. What kind of sick maniac enjoys that? Was that for money? I do not think so.

Thank God that his little brother blew it before somebody in the NFL fell in love with him.

not that what he did isn't wrong, but why do people get worse punishments for abusing animals than they do for abusing humans?

...back to football talk.

Even if it was tipped, it wasn't that big of a tip. If my memory serves be right there were 3 bears players on the immediate vacinity so even without the minor tip, it easily could have been caught by CHicago.

Pittsburgh/Buffalo: I feel bad for the dude who dropped that pass in the endzone in OT.
I was saying this morning, that guy may need to be on suicide watch today.... damn..
Someone jumped at the Bears game last night and died. The radio this morning said witnesses saw the guy run to the railing and jump. A twentysomething yr old. They didn't say if he was totally plastered and just did something stupid or a suicide.

Pittsburgh/Buffalo: I feel bad for the dude who dropped that pass in the endzone in OT.
I was saying this morning, that guy may need to be on suicide watch today.... damn..
Someone jumped at the Bears game last night and died. The radio this morning said witnesses saw the guy run to the railing and jump. A twentysomething yr old. They didn't say if he was totally plastered and just did something stupid or a suicide.

sounds like he was trying to grab a smoke behind the columns.

It turns out God is to blame for that dropped pass in the Steeler/Bills game.

After the game, Johnson's twitter account filed this faithy tweet:



This made me laugh:

"This brings us to a larger theological question: Does God hate the Buffalo Bills? You may remember this is the very team that lost four straight Superbowls."

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Given the end of the Carolina game and the rest of their season, I'd say he's hating on the Panthers the most right now!

Given the end of the Carolina game and the rest of their season, I'd say he's hating on the Panthers the most right now!
You could say that he's looking out for us and making sure we get the 1st pick next year. That's the way I'm seeing it at least. :p

Not only are the Broncos bad at football, they're bad at cheating at football as well.

reminds me of the St Louis Rams, Kurt Warner "Thank You Jesus" stuff after they wont the super bowl,,

something tell me that God / jesus doesnt really give a shit about the super bowl?

What is wrong with the Denver Broncos FL_B? What is the talk at 5,280'?
I don't read blogs, etc. My feeling is that the team is underperforming, the coaching isn't good, but also that the Broncos are OLD. Second oldest defense in the NFL, IIRC. Strange draft pick for Tebow. I don't see him as a franchise QB, unless he makes dramatic changes to his playing style. In other words, I have no idea.

Not only are the Broncos bad at football, they're bad at cheating at football as well.

All right. Now, when Bill Belichick got caught with his camera, he did not panic. He simply said what every good white cheater says when caught: "I mis-interpreted the rules." It's what you must also say when caught cheating! "I mis-interpreted the rules." Say it with me.

something tell me that God / jesus doesnt really give a shit about the super bowl?
I made a similar statement to my wife last night, we were watching PUNKIN CHUNKIN, and the one team was praying before the launch for a successful toss.

I said, "Yeah, like the big guy upstairs gives two shits about how far a pumpkin is thrown"

Gimme a break.

so of course, she has to come back with all this "His ability to design and build the machine.. blah blah blah"....
