Hi all,
I PASSSSSSEDDDD the exam as a first time taker. Thank you very much to @Zach Stone P.E. for his live class, study materials, Quiz, Home work, AIT and practice tests and I will sure recommend to future PE candidate. And also eng pro practice tests and study materials.
And also forum team members always help and motivate to the PE candidate and all the explanation, notes. I will sure I will stick around in this forum to motivate, give help and answers some questions. Thank you very much

I PASSSSSSEDDDD the exam as a first time taker. Thank you very much to @Zach Stone P.E. for his live class, study materials, Quiz, Home work, AIT and practice tests and I will sure recommend to future PE candidate. And also eng pro practice tests and study materials.
And also forum team members always help and motivate to the PE candidate and all the explanation, notes. I will sure I will stick around in this forum to motivate, give help and answers some questions. Thank you very much