Okay. Unpopular opinion. I saw Cats and didn't think it was that bad? I mean, I know what the musical is about, which is frickin nuts, and it didn't change or modify the plot at all? Some of the CGI was a little questionable, and I wish they had panned out a little bit more to see the dancing, but I thought it was an okay movie. Not a great movie, but that's because I don't particularly like Cats itself? The only thing that I felt was unnecessary was the inclusion of Taylor Swift. All the other 'big' actors had roles as cats performing to try and 'win' the competition, but TS's role was something in the original production that was just played by one of the other cats? And all of a sudden she's 'helping' Macavity? And it seemed really shoe-horned in.
What should I see next $5 Tuesday movie? Star Wars? 1917 (I really want to see this, so I might see it on Sunday)? There are actually a bunch of things playing that I kinda do want to see, so it's difficult.