May 2019 Test Results

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Mar 18, 2019
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Test Results for the previous months. Good luck to everyone! 

April 2018 Test Results: May 16, 2018 (Wednesday)

May 2018 Test Results: June 12, 2018 @ 2:15PM (Tuesday)

June 2018 Test Results: July 12, 2018, @ 1:36PM (Thursday)

July 2018 Test Results: August 13, 2018 (Monday)

August 2018 Test Results: September 10, 2018 @ 9:46AM (Monday)

September 2018 Test Results: October 8, 2018 @ 3:38PM (Monday)

October 2018 Test Results: November 7, 2018 @ 12:43PM (Wednesday)

November 2018 Test Results: December 12, 2018 @ 2:53PM (Monday)

December 2019 Test Results: January 14, 2019, @ 2:11PM (Monday)

January 2019 Test Results:  February 12, 2019, @ 1:50 PM (Tuesday)

February 2019 Test Results: Seismic: March 18, 2019 @ 11:00AM (Monday)
                                                   Surveying: March 18,2019 @3:42PM (Monday)

March 2019 Test Results: Seismic: April 15 ,2019 @ 11:45 AM (Monday)
                                              Surveying: April 15 ,2019 @2:30 PM (Monday)

April 2019 Test Results: Seismic: May 13th, 2019 @ 10:30 AM (Monday)
                                            Surveying: May 13th 2019 @ 11:30 AM (Monday)

hey guys i have EET cbts exams for sale if anyone is interested. its brand new for 40 dollars

Seismic Results are out today, June 6 2019. That was quick!

My second time taking Seismic...passed. I used EET. I highly recommend them, I had no background in Seismic and minimal background in structures.

Got seismic results this morning, received the email at 10:20am. Passed 1st try but am a structural engineer so i was pretty comfortable with it to begin with. Keeping my fingers crossed for surveying. GL to everyone else who took it.

I passed Surveying and that was my last one. Anyone knows what I am supposed to do for getting my license? 

Try and get the Reza workbook. I did all the problems in the book about 2-3 times, some of them even 4-5 times. Saw quite a few similar problems on the test. Easily the most representative of the test. Good luck!

I passed seismic on my first try. No structural background beyond introductory college courses. I signed up for EET on demand course and I liked it a lot. It was slower pace but that is what I needed. I watched all the lecture videos but skipped the workshop videos because I was able to tackle all most all the end of chapter questions on my own (this also saved me hours of video watching). I probably did 6-8 weeks of videos/studying 15-20 hrs a week. I also did most of the practice problems from an old Hiner book my boss let me borrow to ensure that EET had prepared me for different problems I might encounter. The last two weeks before the test I did all the EET practice exams and reviewed practice problems. 

Congratulations! I am taking Surveying in a few weeks...any advice is appreciated
Copy and pasted from a private message I sent to someone else:

Sorry didn't get an email or anything so i just saw this. Mansour is a great reference, i worked through that cover to cover,fully tabbed everything out and did all of the practice problems. I think i did the Reza practice problems too but didnt use the reference. The one other super helpful thing was to download the land surveyor reference sheets from the NCEES website. It is better for the curve equations in my opinion and those are a big part of the test. Anything you bring in there be super familiar with it, tab it all out and know how to get the info you need quickly.

As far as test-taking itself I brought in a little straightedge and sketched everything out right on my scratch paper. Wasn't a problem. Definitely a visual person so i need to translate all of the word problems into sketches in order to figure out whats going on. I didn't have to make any overly complex sketches, just enough to reference off of, and definitely had enough time to get everything done.

I found that no matter how complicated the problem sounded, once i gave it some thought it was pretty easily broken down into simple geometry concepts and solving it from there wasn't very difficult. I think the level of difficultly and the practice problems you're doing are pretty well equivalent to the actual test

Congratulations! I am taking Surveying in a few weeks...any advice is appreciated
Just take practice tests at this point and review the concepts from the Reza binder line by line from the Boards Tested Material sheet. The EET practice problems are decent, just make sure you understand the concepts. 

Does anyone knows when will PE license number be released?
Subject to completion of all requirements (examinations and application), license numbers are released every other Friday. The last set was released on June 7th, so the next set will be put on June 21st. 


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