Marathon runners

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Oh, and I signed up for my second marathon last night (discounted prices for national running day). :D

Now I just have to stop being such a slacker and get back to training. :\

I'm going to run my second half on 12/4...but I'm having problems getting past the first three or four miles because it's 102 here today, again...miserable.

I've started running in the mornings before work due to a combination of avoiding the heat of the afternoon/evening and a hectic work schedule. Getting in 4-6 miles before work isn't that much trouble for me, anything longer then that requires some serious dedication for getting out of bed. At the weekends I do my longer runs, but I still typically start by 5:30-6am to finish up before the sun really starts beating down. Even doing that it's still pretty miserable. By the time I'm done I look like I just got out of the shower (fully clothed of course). Chaffing becomes a serious issue too at that point. :eek:hmy:

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I work out at 5:30 three days a week for core conditioning and even that has gotten pretty warm lately...It's pretty easy to get up on those days because I work with a group, and if I don't show up they start calling and texting...I just need to drag my self out of bed on anther two days of the week, maybe I need a running buddy, but I actually like running by myself because I work out in a group the rest of the time...sorry rambling, obviously, I need to go for a run...

ran after work at the Kennesaw Mountain Trail yesterday, it was a little cooler in the trees/ shade but damn that was the longest its ever taken me to do 5 miles.....

It's slow going even in the mornings. The humidity is brutal. It makes running much more of a chore.

Chafing sucks! I use the redneck solution to the only spot I have problems - duct tape on the nipples baby, but only on runs longer than about 6-8 miles (which is most of them, of course!). I do my long runs on Sat mornings and have been trying to get going by 5:30am for most of them.

Last Friday I did a 3 mile short run when it was 96 degrees (with a 106 heat index!)....any longer than that and I think I probably would have melted into the pavement!

Duct tape? :eek:hmy:

I would think removing the tape would be as painful as the chaffing.

Body Glide works pretty well for me.


I typically only use it for the long runs, but with the humidity and heat right now the definition of a long run is getting to be fewer and fewer miles.

On a somewhat related note I just read this depressing article about obesity rates in the USA . Seems as a nation we are getting fatter and fatter. :(


Rock on Kentucky we aren't in the over 30 category

Nevermind just checked the link :(

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Louisiana made an improvement late in the game! Was 30+% and then backed down to a measely 25-29%. Kick assness.

I know not marathons

But my mom just got into running and finished her first 5k on a bum ankle in 34 minutes I think. She's always gone to the gym and stuff but this is her first race and now she is hooked and looking for another one. I bet by 50 she'll run in a mini marathon (48 now)

Duct tape works great, especially for the's not really that bad taking it off, but works great as a barrier while running. I have considered body glide before, and I have used vaseline, which worked OK, but duct tape is the cats ass!

I agree on the obesity topic. I have been there before; I got married in August 2003, two months after completing my bachelor of civil engineering, and I was 265 lbs (I am only 5'-10"). I was much more of the power lifter type in my college days and was actually fairly strong (example, bench press = 375 lbs, squat = 550 lbs). I yo-yo'd around between 225 and 260 from 2003 until early 2008, when I decided I needed to change. Then, in about 6 months I dropped my weight down to 180 lbs, and in 2009, started my running hobby.

So as someone who has been among the obese, and now NOT, I can't even put into words how much better I feel day in and day out now than I did for all those years. I remember something as simple as running up one flight of steps at the office and being almost out of breath. Now doing that only slightly raises the heart rate, and it recovers almost instantly.

Duct tape works great, especially for the's not really that bad taking it off, but works great as a barrier while running. I have considered body glide before, and I have used vaseline, which worked OK, but duct tape is the cats ass!
I do NOT want to put a cat's ass on my nipples.

Duct tape works great, especially for the's not really that bad taking it off, but works great as a barrier while running. I have considered body glide before, and I have used vaseline, which worked OK, but duct tape is the cats ass!
I do NOT want to put a cat's ass on my nipples.
but the clamps attached to a car battery are still okay, right?

About to start training again...looking for a destination half-marathon in the fall. Any recommendations?
