that's funny!!! never gonna happenhappy bday and I assume you are getting ready for mini snick # 3?
what age group? i volunteered four years ago to coach and have been doing it ever since. The last time i played soccer was in fifth grade so i only had a basic understanding of the game.I had to volunteer to coach mini-ble1's soccer team this spring because there had been no one else step up after one week. I've never played soccer and have an extremely basic understanding of the game, so I'm not looking forward to this. As long as the kids have fun I guess it will be worth it, but I'd like them to learn some. I do my best...
So this little guy is home. He is a boss!!So little J decided to show up early to the party. Born at 24 weeks gestation on January 24, 2018. weighing 1 lb 13 oz. Been a rough few weeks but he's fighting his way through every obstacle so far. Hoping to get home from the NICU in May. I think he's going to focus on Aerospace but we're still deciding lol.
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