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Lilzieg was evicted on 4/17 (9 days late) and came home on 4/25. She had meconium in her lungs and her umbilical cord strangling her and had to be delivered by emergency C-section, but she's doing great now!
WB KZ! And congrats on the new family addition! Hope all is well otherwise. :thumbs:

anyone here have experience with "Palate Expanders" for kids, specifically the cost and procedure? Mrs NJ just the NJ clan to the dentist and it turns out that #2 will need an additional trip  to an orthodontist with a recommendation for a Palate Expander. I don't know anything about these, what they cost, nor what they require in terms of usage, maintenance, timelines, etc.

Something like 6 months to a year.  It has to be adjusted daily at first - they give you a key to make the adjustment.  Then it gets worn at the last setting for several months.  It basically cranks on the back of the teeth to push them out so the jaw bone can move and then solidify in the "holding" position.  Like all things orthodontia related, they aren't cheap.  

Since the dentist has been mentioned (sorry, I'm no help with palate expanders), I must bring up mini MS2's predicament.  MMS2 is 6 and when he was 2 or 3 years old, his right upper central incisor (got that?) got hit hard and started bleeding pretty bad.  Not wanting a baby tooth to come out way before it should, we saw the dentist and she said if it falls out it falls out.  If it doesn't, then he's good to go.  Alright.  It didn't fall out.  When he was 4, the same damn thing happened (didn't fall out) and the tooth got a touch darker.  At 5, same thing.  Well, this past Thursday it got jacked again!  Also, he was proud to show us that his adult tooth was growing in behind it.  He has shark teeth.  Creepy.  

Fast forward to Friday.  I come home from work and Mrs. MS shows me a Ziploc bag with a tooth in it.  He FINALLY lost it.  The weird thing is that the baby tooth root never dissolved.  It was perfectly intact.  I guess we know why it hung in there for so long.  Zoom forward again to bed time.  I'm in bed reading and I see MMS2 walk past our door with the collapsible laundry basket.  The instant he walked out of my field of sight... THUMP.... "AAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!"  He walked into a doorway face first... and he lost his other upper central incisor.  So now he has one adult tooth coming in a little far back and a gaping, bloody hole where the other tooth was.   Fortunately, his 6-month appointment is coming up.  Should be a hoot.

Since the dentist has been mentioned (sorry, I'm no help with palate expanders), I must bring up mini MS2's predicament.  MMS2 is 6 and when he was 2 or 3 years old, his right upper central incisor (got that?) got hit hard and started bleeding pretty bad.  Not wanting a baby tooth to come out way before it should, we saw the dentist and she said if it falls out it falls out.  If it doesn't, then he's good to go.  Alright.  It didn't fall out.  When he was 4, the same damn thing happened (didn't fall out) and the tooth got a touch darker.  At 5, same thing.  Well, this past Thursday it got jacked again!  Also, he was proud to show us that his adult tooth was growing in behind it.  He has shark teeth.  Creepy.  

Fast forward to Friday.  I come home from work and Mrs. MS shows me a Ziploc bag with a tooth in it.  He FINALLY lost it.  The weird thing is that the baby tooth root never dissolved.  It was perfectly intact.  I guess we know why it hung in there for so long.  Zoom forward again to bed time.  I'm in bed reading and I see MMS2 walk past our door with the collapsible laundry basket.  The instant he walked out of my field of sight... THUMP.... "AAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!"  He walked into a doorway face first... and he lost his other upper central incisor.  So now he has one adult tooth coming in a little far back and a gaping, bloody hole where the other tooth was.   Fortunately, his 6-month appointment is coming up.  Should be a hoot.
You should get the kid fitted for a football helmet first. 

I had several teeth that did the shark bite deal.  I needed braces eventually for crowding, but they grew in relatively normally where the old ones came out.

I hope he doesn't need anything $pecial done.  Mini MS1 (8) currently has braces because of an underbite that was affecting his speech.  

anyone here have experience with "Palate Expanders" for kids, specifically the cost and procedure? Mrs NJ just the NJ clan to the dentist and it turns out that #2 will need an additional trip  to an orthodontist with a recommendation for a Palate Expander. I don't know anything about these, what they cost, nor what they require in terms of usage, maintenance, timelines, etc.
sounds like a situation for a second opinion to me before dropping the $$$

Since the dentist has been mentioned (sorry, I'm no help with palate expanders), I must bring up mini MS2's predicament.  MMS2 is 6 and when he was 2 or 3 years old, his right upper central incisor (got that?) got hit hard and started bleeding pretty bad.  Not wanting a baby tooth to come out way before it should, we saw the dentist and she said if it falls out it falls out.  If it doesn't, then he's good to go.  Alright.  It didn't fall out.  When he was 4, the same damn thing happened (didn't fall out) and the tooth got a touch darker.  At 5, same thing.  Well, this past Thursday it got jacked again!  Also, he was proud to show us that his adult tooth was growing in behind it.  He has shark teeth.  Creepy.  

Fast forward to Friday.  I come home from work and Mrs. MS shows me a Ziploc bag with a tooth in it.  He FINALLY lost it.  The weird thing is that the baby tooth root never dissolved.  It was perfectly intact.  I guess we know why it hung in there for so long.  Zoom forward again to bed time.  I'm in bed reading and I see MMS2 walk past our door with the collapsible laundry basket.  The instant he walked out of my field of sight... THUMP.... "AAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!"  He walked into a doorway face first... and he lost his other upper central incisor.  So now he has one adult tooth coming in a little far back and a gaping, bloody hole where the other tooth was.   Fortunately, his 6-month appointment is coming up.  Should be a hoot.
minisnick had two shark teeth on the bottom fronts.  very freaky, but not totally unusual i found out.  the tooth should move into place on its own with no trouble now that the offender is out of the took a couple months but the shark teeth are straight and normal.  

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I have spent enough on 3 kids at the orthodontist these past 18 years to buy a seriously nice vehicle...

well maybe something in the high $30K range ;)....

Dentistry is one of those fields where dentists believe that everyone should have "Guy Smilely" perfect teeth.  Back in my day braces were somewhat of a last resort if the kid was going to have buck teeth or look like some sort of mutant.  Now they recommend "corrective" action if things aren't perfect because "we can fix that".  I remember my niece when she was in high school and she had her mother take her to several different dentists because she really wanted braces and they found she didn't need them.  My niece wanted the "really cool" braces that came in the school colors and the popular kids had them.  Might as well get some gold crowns and be a rapper.

As a fat kid with braces, I'd have given ANYTHING not to have had braces when I was in HS.  I think I got them off late my junior year.

Whatttt braces are now cool? I had them twice, once in middle school for two years, and once in high school for another year. They definitely weren't that cool then.

they have some semi transparent ones now a days... I never thought the kids teeth were bad, but I lost that argument with the wife

Both Mini Habs have messed up grills.  MH2.0 has what I call a Nanny McPhee tooth, and MH1.0 just has no space for all of his teeth.  Sigh.  Better get used to the poor house.


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