Kids of EB

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so as if I don't already have enough on my plate, I signed up to coach NJ's #2 t-ball team this year. What was I smoking?

Sounds like you smoked some of the Breckinridge agent orange strain

Agent Orange has a nice smell with hints of oranges and other citrus. A motivating and happy buzz that leaves you smiling. Agent Orange has even been known to make the bong water smell like oranges.

so we made the switch from diapers to pull ups this week.  Apparently snickette used the potty 8 times yesterday at daycare.   
We have a cruise coming up so trying to get the daughter (2 years old) potty trained.  Does fine with the #1 but it's the #2 that's a problem.  We found giving her the Ipad helps while sitting on the toilet to get her to poop.  

My son (4yo) went walking by my wife with the Ipad tucked under his arm - informed her he had to go big caca.

^just wait until he gets older and he forgets to wipe his butt.  Our current problem....and seems like it is a common one among his friends, according to their parents.  How does one forget to wipe their butt?  

All 3 of mine were similar with that (would use potty for #1, forget #2). So we just ditched the pull ups so they get the "yucky" feeling to help reinforce it. Seemed to defin speed things up but makes clean up a little more difficult... but in the end that is the way I would go if I ever had to potty train another human...

All 3 of mine were similar with that (would use potty for #1, forget #2). So we just ditched the pull ups so they get the "yucky" feeling to help reinforce it. Seemed to defin speed things up but makes clean up a little more difficult... but in the end that is the way I would go if I ever had to potty train another human...
This.  Mini-Ram would be lazy with the pull ups one even though he knew when he needed to go.  Once we switched him to regular undies after a few incidents and some clean up he was all potty trained.

My son doesn't wipe half the time.  He takes man sized poo's also.  Especially weird for a kid that barely eats.

We thought about trying the underwear thing but haven't yet - I think we need to buy some cheapo disposable underwear and just go with it.  You'll ask her if she has to go potty she says no.  She poops on herself then tells you immediately once it happens.  Guess we just need to commit to underwear - and by we I mean my wife.

Our approach was just like RG's, no training diapers (pullups). Only took one weekend for all three kids for #1 and #2, but that is all we did for the entire weekend was potty train.  We went through a lot of underwear.

Mini-ble1 was extremely regular, so he was potty trained for #2 by the time he was 10 months or so. He was fully potty trained (except for pull ups overnight) by 20 months. Mini-ble2 was much harder to train though and she was just shy of 3 before the diapers came off. Once they did, though, she never had an accident. 

took the kiddos mini-golfing (glow) yesterday.  Snickette lasted about 9 holes before she lost patience with the putter and wanted to throw the ball down the green.    We ended up playing two games (3 were included)  before everyone had their fill.  

My 15 year old daughter (soon to be 16 in June) got a lifeguard job through the County we live in for the late spring thru summer.  I'm pretty happy for her, we put her in these lifeguard classes during the winter - she was reluctant to do this as she though it would be too difficult. I tried to tell her that most people in this landlocked state are not the best swimmers and she definitely has a leg up on the competition. So after finishing the classes she got offered the job. $10.50 an hour! Crazy. When I was a kid I recall making $3.75 an hour! (working at Krystal's) Not just sitting on easy street overseeing the 4 foot deep wave pool ;)  

only thing is that with both the 17 year old and now the 15 year old working some its probably going to screw up some planned summer weekend trips- or we just leave them all at home..

^just wait until he gets older and he forgets to wipe his butt.  Our current problem....and seems like it is a common one among his friends, according to their parents.  How does one forget to wipe their butt?  
I blame the iPad.

so in order to deal with the ripping of things out of other people's hands because you want it we have always said, if you want something someone else is using you must offer them up a trade, no taking and running.  Mr snick had set his phone down when he went to go check on something in the other room.  when he came back to get his phone he couldn't find it.  In its place was a little pocket calculator.  Snickette had traded her brother's calculator for daddy's phone.  

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If there were such a thing as a Genie in the bottle that grants wishes you would all be $100 richer, complements of minisnick. The radio was talking about genies and he said if they were real he would wish for a dog, everyday being a holiday, and a $100 bill for everyone.  

My 2 year old has been out of daycare all week because of the flu.  I feel so bad for the little guy, but there's not much we can do other than a fever reducer.  The worst is when he says, "I'm not sick anymore, right?".  I start thinking about how I would deal with that question if he were truly sick.
