It's Friday!!!!

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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2.25 hours left for me, then I am outta here! It's a payday Friday for me...I do believe some homebrew consumption is in order this evening. :beerchug:

yesterday was payday for mr snick....although it it probably already spent on the next round of bills which are sitting on the desk waititng to be paid.

I honestly never even realize when I get paid. Pretty much all the bills are set up on autopay and I've got my paycheck getting deposited into several bank accounts automatically. I do get paid every two weeks and this wasn't a payweek.

So, where are the habanero bloody mary's? You know, since a certain someone spent so much time hyping them up. I'm thirsty! :beerchug: ( ! )

No, I don't want to end up like Fudgey! Hehe. And, no, sadly there were no habanero bloody mary's or scotch ramen waiting for me when I got home from work today. :angry:

My friday today beotches! :party-smiley-048: Have a good rest of the week! Headed to San Fran for an extended weekend.

Also, 1000th post. :woot:
