It's Friday!!!!

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Looking forward to another weekend with a million things to do and not nearly enough time to do it, ultimately leaving me sitting at my desk way too quickly again on Monday morning...


OMG, it is just past 10:30. Feels like a whole day has gone past.

Oh, the pain, the pain.

Already? w000000t!


Finally, no activity in this thread except for Fridays for the last week. Let's keep up this trend...

I will be really pissy about it next week since I will be on vacation the following. Those last couple of days before a break are the worst.

I will be really pissy about it next week since I will be on vacation the following. Those last couple of days before a break are the worst.
Au contraire, I think the last day before you have to go back to work is the worst. lol

^ agreed. Just trying to leave all your projects and communications at point where you can leave and not have any problems can sometimes take an entire day in itself. Or trying to explain to whomever will be taking over in your absence can also be challenging.

For your Friday playlist...look for the purple banana 'til they put us in the truck.


tonight is game night with tomorrow & sunday being field day.... Gotta prep for that one too, oh well.

It's still friday and I can bail from the office early
