It's Friday!!!!

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Is it okay to be a "Weekend Basement Boy"? I guess if you're taking care of responsibilities during the week and paying your own way, the weekend can be used to regress ... ?

Oh snit! I forgot that my wifey-wife is taking me to my favorite bar/restaurant for my annual birthday dinner tonight. Cheese fries, hamburger, and two pitchers of Guinness. Mmmmmmmmm....

You want a birthday once every two years?

Oh, only got through one Guinness pitcher. Mini MS woke up right after we got our food and he got hungry. Wifey-wife served him dinner and shortly thereafter, we had full take-out boxes. Ah, parenthood. :)

Guess what bitches! its my friday off tomorow and today ids my frisday! w00t and a half! i do have to babysit some piep repairs on sunday, but that's 3 days a way! dinner time. lataz

Friday will be the beginning of the end of very long week, then to charleston to take 94 cub scouts to the Yorktown, I am sneaking some beer on and am going to go up in the bridge at about 2 am for a " it's almost over" celebration...

I thought that would be cool but I will probably end up chugging them in the parking lot

It's Friday and payday, and our wonderful personnel department "accidentally" doubled our federal tax withholding. We get it all back in our tax refund, but between my wife's and my paycheck, that's a big hit this month. I haven't started my new job yet, so I'm still on my shitty 2000-era salary, and believe me, every little bit counts.

Oh well. It's Friday! (I'll worry about being broke next week, when reality sets in)

The $10,000 Outlaw 10.5 race at Shadyside has been postponed due to rain. Weekend is already shot! On the upside, I may try to fire the new motor up this weekend and PRAY that the block isn't cracked!

We are going to try to replace the tint on our downstairs house windows and hopefully do some spring cleaning on the closets to start making room for baby. But I woke up this morning feeling a sore throat coming on so I am not a happy camper! Especially since all the good drugs are off limits :unsure:

Friday will be the beginning of the end of very long week, then to charleston to take 94 cub scouts to the Yorktown, I am sneaking some beer on and am going to go up in the bridge at about 2 am for a " it's almost over" celebration...

I thought that would be cool but I will probably end up chugging them in the parking lot

You should have some good weather down here RG. I'll look for you on the bridge at 2am with a pair of binoculars j/k.

I think I'm going to load up the bikes and go to hte Palmetto Islands County Park for a long bike ride on Saturday. However, I think I need to buy a new bike rack for the car.

Girls have a big fundraiser at their elementary this weekend, so we got to set stuff up tonight and that'll consume all of Saturday. Ought to be fun though.

Sunday looks like it's a rebuild of my wife's computer as her hard drive crashed. It gave us one of those SMART drive warnings, I copied almost everything off right before it tanked.

I'm thinking of signing up for some on-line backup... I've got a 350GB usb drive I use, but it'd been almost a year since I had actually taken the time to backup anything, so we lucked out on that.

Chuck - a bike ride sounds awesome.

Sending the kiddos off to the grandparents house tonight through Sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in past 7am for a change. Will probably take the wife out to a movie tomorrow. Also get to start our rec softball league tomorrow.

TD, you can buy a 1 TB external hard-drive on for as little as $90. That's what I do to backup both mine and my wife's comp (also helps with file transfers).

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I have a hot date tonight! Probably the 20th different woman I've gone out with since me and the wife split. I'm not that great, just signed up on The funny thing about it is, I'm to the point now that I don't even get excited about it.

Maybe I should start a thread about my match dates! I can promise you all that it would be although It would have been more fun from the start, I'm MUCH pickier now, and have learned the "tricks" women play to make you think they're much better than what they claim.

Like "Athletic and toned" can encompass everything from almost in shape to about 50 lbs overweight. The funny thing to me is it's not like you won't notice that when you meet them.

The torch has been passed. Go forth, NCcarguy, keep us posted of your sexual exploits, and post lots and lots of pictures.

Yay for Fridays! I plan on going out clothes shopping for maternity clothes tomorrow. At least now I have a valid excuse for getting fat.

Thought i was going to strip and prime two of the doors in the house today... NOPE! Started on one and on one side the paint came off quick and easy in sheets. The other side... oy... had to break out the paint stripper and that stuff is nasty! It works, but OMG, it leaves a horrible mess afterwards.
