It's Friday!!!!

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I don't think I'm going to have a "Friday" 'til somewhere around the 18th. For the most part, I love my job. The particular project I'm trying to finish up now is a giant PITA.

I bet you don't miss the several feet of snow in the winter nor the illustrious Governor Granholm.
I just moved to Michigan in March and have already have my run-ins with Jenny. She was on the short list for Supreme Court nominees which really surprised me!!

Michigan has been great so far ... but I know I have to still survive my first winter here.

Sarah Palin is way better looking and probably smarter too.
Sadly, true on both accounts.

True story: Gov Granholm when asked why she was opposed to building a new coal-fired power plant in MI commented that she believed that the utility needed to focus on more hydropower like the Ludington Pumped Resevoir since it is a 'free' resource and doesn't pollute. It was then pointed out that the Ludington project was unique because: 1. there aren't many bluffs of that magnitude to get the elevation change necessary to generate the electricity and 2. it takes 3 units of power to pump the water back into the resevoir for every 2 units of energy it generates.


I don't think I'm going to have a "Friday" 'til somewhere around the 18th. For the most part, I love my job. The particular project I'm trying to finish up now is a giant PITA.
Starting on Monday, I will not have any Fridays, or weekends for that matter for over a month!


Starting on Monday, I will not have any Fridays, or weekends for that matter for over a month!
My record in my former life was 45 days straight without a day off. It was all midnights. My day-shift record was only 42 days set earlier that same year. Pretty funny that an 8-hour day feels like a day off when you've just done 7 12s.

I don't miss that job. I miss a lot of the people there, but not the work itself.

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Well, yesterday was my Friday. Three day weekend FTMFW! Today I embark on a mission to replace my rotten front porch railing.

May as well start early. I've been wide awake since 5:30 this morning. :eek:ldman:

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I get to go train a new technician on how to to observe post tensioning at noon. Nothing like a hot, humid August summer day in Virginia for field time.

The Virginia Tech Hokie-not-so-pokeys.

Yo! What debauchery do you have brewing this weekend? I need to live vicariously through your exploits because I'm trapped in thrid trimester hell.


Yo! What debauchery do you have brewing this weekend? I need to live vicariously through your exploits because I'm trapped in thrid trimester hell.
I finally tracked mudpuppy down .... gonna cruise the MSU campus this weekend! :D

