It's Friday!!!!

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My friday went great. I took a half day off cause I was going to add a rough in for a full bath in my basement. First time I had tried to do a project like that. It was easier than expected. Had to connect to 50+ year old cast iron which I was worried about. It went well though. Got to use a concrete saw (Stihl, my favorite brand) and a hilti jack hammer. I just about had a woody that day. Power tool heaven.

Poured the concrete the next morning. All in all, I used 12 bags of crete. Had a mixer in the basement and everything. Total the project took me 12 hours. Plus I got some serious brownie points with the wife now.

It's Friday!!!! :party-smiley-048: :bananalama: :multiplespotting:

At least for me ;) ! I'm glad I've got a long weekend because there are still several things that need to be done (according to the wife) before the baby comes and you never know when that's going to happen.

Must be nice!

Tomorrow's my Friday assuming they don't ask me to work on Saturday, but I've got a date tomorrow anyways, so I finally get out of the house!


Today is my RDO, but I have a new work laptop that allows me to work from home. ... WOO-HOO!! Well, I'm not thrilled to be working on my RDO, but at least I can do it from home and not drive the long commute. And, I can add some flexibility to my work hours today.


I don't have to work tomorrow, so woo-hoo!

On the down side, I've got a ton of work next week, but the guy who runs our test shop is on vacation, so I will be stuck down there all week. Of course, I've got Lincoln Electric reps coming to see me, a bunch of meetings and NCRs to follow up on, etc, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a 60+ hour week.

This friday is looking good! I'm not on call for storm duty as of 6am this morning. I see several gin & tonics in my near future.

I used to work half Friday's every week, but now I have every other Friday off and I like that much better! A long weekend every other week. Of course, this is my work Friday, so it sucks cause I've only got 2 days off this weekend.
