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No, I mean like pouring out the first ounce of a 40 in memory of a long gone homeboy.

Only if it is the one, the only, Olde English 800.


FINALLY got caught up with most of my work. Nothing left that I can't push off until next week. Should be getting some "dessert" tonight, though I had a true white-trash moment last night when the semi-live-in ex boyfriend I think tried to grab the phone from the MIAF.

Hopefully I can cut out of work early to head down to Charleston. Should be a nice weather weekend!

Taking the wife to do whatever. Our anniversary is this week, so we are getting out of town for that. It has been a while since we made a trip to Charleston. We used to make the trip two or three times a year. We usually walk around, she'll do some shopping, we'll do lots of eating. I could get her a spa package and we could go fishing...

I saw 90 as the high earlier, but now is 92/94. Still better than the forcasted 95/99 here in NC.

It is definitely feeling a little toasty outside right about now. The weldors are crying about it, because they have to wear forced air hoods for the pipe they're welding on.

forecast says hot and humid weekend for us...heat indexes in the 100's...woohoo. Glad we have a pool.
Mid to upper 70s here and no humidity. Hell yeah!

Took a nice bike ride today, planning on hiking by the coast on Sunday. I hate the heat and crowded swimming beaches, but I love wandering along a rocky coastline at the ocean. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Might just be a gym and dog park day as Lady VTE is scheduled to do some awful marathon training session.

Mid to upper 70s here and no humidity. Hell yeah!
Took a nice bike ride today, planning on hiking by the coast on Sunday. I hate the heat and crowded swimming beaches, but I love wandering along a rocky coastline at the ocean. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Might just be a gym and dog park day as Lady VTE is scheduled to do some awful marathon training session.
Here in Orygun, it is about 69 degrees humidity at 60%. Actually a bit cold for August. I am loving it.

Last week we were over 100 F 4 times and I was considering moving to Alaska.

I'm going to Peru on Sunday. It's Winter there.

Not looking forward to the plane flight.

Here in Orygun, it is about 69 degrees humidity at 60%. Actually a bit cold for August. I am loving it.
Last week we were over 100 F 4 times and I was considering moving to Alaska.
It's been over 100 degrees for about 2 months now in San Antonio... we just broke the record for most consecutive 100 degree days as well as hottest month on record EVER..... its time to move back to meechigan!

It's been over 100 degrees for about 2 months now in San Antonio... we just broke the record for most consecutive 100 degree days as well as hottest month on record EVER..... its time to move back to meechigan!

I dunno, I was up at Crystal Lake in July and the mosquitos went to town on me. I bet you don't miss the several feet of snow in the winter nor the illustrious Governor Granholm.


Sarah Palin is way better looking and probably smarter too.

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