It's Friday!!!!

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Going and voting on Friday (lines are a lot shorter, and I'll be in North Carolina on election day), so my happy hour (or sit, cry, and pine hour) is going to have to wait until Saturday at 10 when the OSU-PSU game is over...

Last night I went back to Jimmy's. It was another insane evening with 2 simultaneous bachelor parties.

I think I understand Hip Hop music now.

we are having friends and neighbors over for a holiday party today.

if enough people show to eat all the food my wife made, either the fire marshall shuts us down or the floors cave in.

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that guy could at least wash his feet before posting glamour shots on the internet

I'm not quite sure what to say to that.

All I know, is that it's Friday, I'm still suffering jet lag, and came to work two hours early this morning so I can leave early and head out with corset girl who I'm kinda sorta dating now for some R&R, and to clear my head of all things work-related.
