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I got the offer by e-mail this morning. I need to now ask them to provide me with the PHS grade determination, for the final piece of information I need to make the decision.

As far as my house goes, my current boss, who used to be with the USPHS in Bremerton, has offered to let me live in his house that he still owns there for free (actually across the water in Port Orchard - apparently Bremerton itself is a shit hole), in exchange for me letting him live in my house here for free. Each of us would be responsible for maintenance. Sounds kind of weird but promising.

The two or four year limit is actually somewhat appealing - it's an excuse to keep looking for a Denver job, or back to islands, if I am able.

But that brings up my biggest fear, which RG picked up on, that I would regret giving up on what I have. And then it might not be possible to move back to the islands. These USPHS jobs technically don't even exist out here any more, it's just me and the Captain still holding out on our old MOUs, which have expired. Supposedly new MOUs are in the works, which would open things back up, but there is a real possibility that my exit could jeopardize that, because, if there's only one guy left out here, and he is planning to retire soon anyway, what's the rush? And when bureaucrats take up that attitude, things tend to get dropped altogether.

Well, I have to make my decision now!

the house swap sounds like a sweet deal. I guess the weather would be something to think about, pretty rainy:

several of my kid's friends chose to go to college in the pacific NW, and they all loved it. These are folks used to the 300+ days of sunshine here so there must be something to like there!

But your boss coming from there would have great perspective on that. Like I said earlier, the Olympic Peninsula is on my list of places to see.

I think it would be pretty cool, (no pun intended) and on a limited term it would be an adventure rather than prison sentence.

but that's just my 2 cents

^Yeah, I visited the area once, the year before I moved to Saipan, and promised myself that the Olympic Peninsula was one area that I would go back to and explore in more detail. Absolutely beautiful. I am not sure how the climate would affect me, though. I get pretty down when it is rainy here for a week!

I just got off the phone with my last boss, another USPHS Captain, who is now in Arizona and ready to retire this summer. He urged me to "pull the trigger" and go for it. He said that he never had as much fun as he did while he was working in Saipan, but that ultimately, living in the states was the best thing for his family, and especially for his career. He had a good point that all my PHS contacts are old, and either ready to retire or already retired. I probably wouldn't have gotten this offer it it wasn't for my references, and if I ever want to be able to find future jobs when they're all gone, I need to get out there and work with some of them, rather than keep myself isolated out here.

I'm not so sure my situation is as bad he makes it sound (he only lived here 3 years, after all), but his advice carries a lot of weight, and it's got me leaning that way.

I'm going to step away from this over the next few days and just enjoy the holidays, and the approach it later in the weekend and see what my gut is telling me. That was advice from my current boss. (I should probably just stop looking for advice.)

Well, it would be tough Dleg. There are good and bad things about leaving.

It is a very tough choice. All I can say is good luck. I think that you will make the best decision for your family.

That's tough to get that news before Christmas.

If you live on the mainland, we can see you at EB.COM MEGA MEGA CONFERENCE 2015.

After the long weekend and gut-check, I am 90% on staying here. The quality of life here, the coolness of my present job, and the rather enormous difference in terms of money in the bank are outweighing the "wouldn't it be kind of cool to live in the states again" rationale.

Haven't made the decision yet, though.

I like living where I live now, but financially it was a stupid thing to do.. I love that I haven't even scratched the surface on all that there is to do here but if someone offered me an "undo" pill I would probably take it....I'm gonna make the best of it though ;) . But if the right nationwide headhunter came along with the right job I'm going to make the smart money play....

^It's important to me to hear that from you.

I just can't get over the financial aspect of it. $11k less per year PLUS I'd have to pay for housing, so probably $25k or more less than I earn now. I realize that will be the case no matter where or when I decide to leave, but that ain't peanuts, and as I explained to my wife, the extra money is probably of more value to our daughter in college, than us being on the same continent.

I declined the job in Bremerton. I felt a little bad at first, but not so bad after sleeping on it. I have it good now.

Plus, I talked to an engineer officer working with the National Park Service yesterday, and he thought my job here is awesome and a sure shot for promotion. So that was nice to hear. On the flip side, the job he does is awesome (public health consultant for all National Parks in his region), and the same NPS job opens in Denver in January, and he offered to vouch for me if I was interested. LOL - I had just decided I was going to stay put, but Denver and an NPS appointment would be extremely tempting.

so how are you swinging the no house payment again? that is tempting enough for me to think about becoming a preacher! free house, free car, etc..

^I renovated a house that my wife's parents built for her. Actually, it was originally a fish market and pool hall, but her brother moved into it and made it a house after the business failed. When we got married, the house reverted to my wife, as it was meant to be, and we did a major renovation - tore out walls, built a new extension, etc. It took me about 3 years of living on Ramen noodles to pay it off, so now we are good. Unfortunately I will need to sink some money into it this year to replace the roof and paint the place, but it's still cheaper than renting or paying a mortgage.

I don't know if its the shitty holiday season or the -5 degree weather but I think this is one of those weeks the wife has the "take the pill to go home" on her mind.. or at least that's what the 75 violent text messages reference that I have received today while trying to work..

I checked my company's internal hiring list, they have 54 jobs in Texas and 45 open in Florida..
