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It would be tough to have an unhappy spouse RG, I feel for you. Good luck!

In a what the hell could it hurt move, I sent my resume to a recruiter that contacted me regarding an opportunity in Seoul for a company that has recently (over the past couple of years) been building their EPC business, especially in the power market. Two former coworkers are working for them now and this is about the 5th time I have been contacted about a job. I figured that maybe it's a sign that I've been contacted so often. I don't expect anything to come from it, but you never know.

Just think of this Ble, if you do get a job in Korea you would be living in the future just like Dleg!

I don't know if its the shitty holiday season or the -5 degree weather but I think this is one of those weeks the wife has the "take the pill to go home" on her mind.. or at least that's what the 75 violent text messages reference that I have received today while trying to work..

I checked my company's internal hiring list, they have 54 jobs in Texas and 45 open in Florida..

There's no skiing in Texas.

I like living where I live now, but financially it was a stupid thing to do.. I love that I haven't even scratched the surface on all that there is to do here but if someone offered me an "undo" pill I would probably take it....I'm gonna make the best of it though ;) .
Ditto for us. I think we'll get to a place where we would no longer take the "undo" pill, but there have been some regrets.

I think I would just get a divorce before I would move again to be honest - footing the bill for the move was extra painful. Might be expensive but at least it would be quiet...

No, it would be a bonafide move halfway around the world gig... Like I said, I don't see anything happening from it, but after talking with the wife, we decided to see what happens. The company pays for relocation, visas, housing, school tuition for kids, a yearly trip home, and a pension. Also, based on the coworkers that went to work with them, the pay is very good as well. We figured that if they offer a sizable increase (read multiple $10k), then I would definitely consider it. Life's short, so why not?

I had an old friend from HS that did 2 years in Singapore with IBM- Said they offered him a ton of cash.. He said he really liked it, but he has three kids and didn't think it was a good environment for them long term (they basically had to live in a 3BR apartment). No such thing as American houses over there.. he just came back to the states but he said he would like to go back once his kids are grown, I think what he liked was all the travel you can do from there (cheap compared to getting there from the States) Said that IBM and some other companies have basically Americanized large sections of Asia so as long as he stayed close to home he could basically still go to target, McDonalds, chilli's, etc, spe3ak the English...

That kind of think isn't my bag (except for all the great scuba diving in the area) - I told him he needs to do a website or blog or book about the experience..

have a high school friend in Lagos, nigeria, her hubby works for cheveron. This february will mark a year there for them, although she has spent probably 3 months of that back here in the states visiting family and leaving husband/Dad alone. Don't think she was expecting it to be as difficult as it is with 4 young kids, 6, 4.5, and twins soontobe 2yr.

even though she was a SAHM here, they essentially had to hire a local nanny/housekeeper. they have to be driven to the store or when they want to go out. The american school has armed guards with lots of security.

it's those day to day things people take for granted and don't think about.

It's definitely not a decision I would take lightly, but Seoul is completely different than Nigeria too. Like I said, I'm not expecting anything out of this, but sometimes I think it would be fun just to try it because why not? Mrs. ble and I talked about it and came to the conclusion that if it made sense financially, we should try it and then if we don't like it, stick it out long enough to not have to pay back the relocation fees and come back. Who knows?

never hurts to listen!

I am thinking of applying for some jobs in Florida this spring just to get some free airfare!

It would be tough to have an unhappy spouse RG, I feel for you. Good luck!

In a what the hell could it hurt move, I sent my resume to a recruiter that contacted me regarding an opportunity in Seoul for a company that has recently (over the past couple of years) been building their EPC business, especially in the power market. Two former coworkers are working for them now and this is about the 5th time I have been contacted about a job. I figured that maybe it's a sign that I've been contacted so often. I don't expect anything to come from it, but you never know.

If it turns out you are working on a power plant proposal for the Northern Marianas, let me know so I can stop talking to you - we have an RFP out right now, being managed by Leidos, but I am the utility's PM (like I know what I am doing....) We're being extremely cautious wit communications, because all the utility's previous RFPs have failed due to protests and corruption (I think that' why they put me as PM this time)

I had an old friend from HS that did 2 years in Singapore with IBM- Said they offered him a ton of cash.. He said he really liked it, but he has three kids and didn't think it was a good environment for them long term (they basically had to live in a 3BR apartment). No such thing as American houses over there.. he just came back to the states but he said he would like to go back once his kids are grown, I think what he liked was all the travel you can do from there (cheap compared to getting there from the States) Said that IBM and some other companies have basically Americanized large sections of Asia so as long as he stayed close to home he could basically still go to target, McDonalds, chilli's, etc, spe3ak the English...

That kind of think isn't my bag (except for all the great scuba diving in the area) - I told him he needs to do a website or blog or book about the experience..

There are a lot of different ways for a family to live. There's nothing at all wrong with living in an apartment or in a non-US suburban home. In fact, some might say that's a good thing.

It would be tough to have an unhappy spouse RG, I feel for you. Good luck!

In a what the hell could it hurt move, I sent my resume to a recruiter that contacted me regarding an opportunity in Seoul for a company that has recently (over the past couple of years) been building their EPC business, especially in the power market. Two former coworkers are working for them now and this is about the 5th time I have been contacted about a job. I figured that maybe it's a sign that I've been contacted so often. I don't expect anything to come from it, but you never know.
If it turns out you are working on a power plant proposal for the Northern Marianas, let me know so I can stop talking to you - we have an RFP out right now, being managed by Leidos, but I am the utility's PM (like I know what I am doing....) We're being extremely cautious wit communications, because all the utility's previous RFPs have failed due to protests and corruption (I think that' why they put me as PM this time)
No worries, I'm not aware of my company working on a proposal for there. I'm pretty sure I would have at least heard about it if we were since we're the main power office for the company.

Damn... my job hunt last year seems to have started something I am having a hard time stopping. Yesterday I received 2 personal notices of job openings that I "should apply for". One is the assistant district engineer working for my old USPHS boss in Pinetop, Arizona, in the Indian Health Service (design and construction work). This would be a great job because he's by far the best boss I ever worked for, and he would be training me to take over as district engineer when he retires in ~2 years. Pinetop is in the White Mountains at about 7500 feet, and is right next door to Arizona's best skiing (I am told) at Sunshine (which is nothing compared to Colorado, but still!). The vacancy hasn't actually opened yet, though, as it is waiting on the person holding the job now to move on to his next post, which will happen in about 2 months.

The second job is for the National Park Service in Denver, as "public health consultant" for the entire NPS region. It requires significant travel, mostly during the summers, to all the parks in the region (that sounds awesome). I imagine this will be a very competitive posting, but I have been told by the USPHS officer holding the same position in Omaha that he will put in a good word for me, if I am interested (I'm not sure what that's worth, if anything). Living in Denver would be great, would make my parents and my kids very happy, and would also get me back as an active member of the real-life EB club.

But as you all know, I swore off looking for another job just a few weeks ago! Ughhhh.....

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