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Should have the official offer later today or early tomorrow. I believe we are about 99% sure that we're going to do it. Like RG suggested, we're going over there on what we're calling a "trial run" and if things don't work out in a year or 2, we'll come back. I really think that the job is going to be great, it's more a matter of the lifestyle and how my wife and kids adjust. What I'm going to have to see is if the company would be okay with me starting the first of June due to mini-ble1 finishing up school and getting all the work completed on our house after the fire.

With a dramatic move like that, I would assume the whole process of getting you out there would take close to that length of time anyways.

That's great Ble!

Well, I hope that you don't have a lead foot. I hear they drive maybe 45 mph on their freeways over there.

^I'm actually not going to take my car over there. We're planning on just taking my wife's van and I'm planning on riding the bus to work. That seems to be what most of the guys that work over there for this company do and they say that it is very convenient.

^I'm actually not going to take my car over there. We're planning on just taking my wife's van and I'm planning on riding the bus to work. That seems to be what most of the guys that work over there for this company do and they say that it is very convenient.

RG did the same thing when he moved to Boulder.

^I'm actually not going to take my car over there. We're planning on just taking my wife's van and I'm planning on riding the bus to work. That seems to be what most of the guys that work over there for this company do and they say that it is very convenient.

RG did the same thing when he moved to Boulder.

Yea, but I would never go full liberal like RG.

I hear he's throwing his full support behind Hillary. He even posted about it on Facebook. He was already talking about Election Day and was all, "See You Next Tuesday!" to remind you to vote.

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I hear he's throwing his full support behind Hillary. He even posted about it on Facebook. He was already talking about Election Day and was all, "See You C U Next Tuesday!" to remind you to vote.
I saw that post and edited yours accordingly. I think he lives too close, or is downwind of Boulder.

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I did take the bus to Boulder 2 days a week. 1) because there was no parking for employees so you had to park on the street, which is hard to do in that town. and 2) they give all gubernmnet employees a free transit card so we could continue to milk the taxpayer for "transit" this is sort of like MP paying for everyone's salary except it goes to Dex's salary ;) For every two days you could "prove" you rode a bike, bussed, walked, to work you got 1 day parking in the parking garage.. very fucked up. many days I drove I would park in 2 hour parking and go out and move my car every two hours- very productive use of your time!

luckily my wife's work had a bus stop and she got me a "employee" parking decal so I would drive to her work and park there and take the bus in, It did at least drop me off right at my doorstep to work.

& Yes I am sure Boulder is full of people that cant wait to vote for Hillary, and I wouldn't pause a second to put a .223 round through their kneecaps..

And don't forget the lei!!

