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Well, the sh*t just got real. I got a verbal offer this evening from the recruiter. He wanted me to think it over and let him know if I was interested tomorrow. Once that happens he will develop the formal offer to send to me since he said that there is quite a bit of work on their end to do for an offer like this and they don't want to do it if I'm not serious. The offer was for more than what he had initially told me was the range, and the relocation is a reimbursement based package which means it will be tax-free. What's crazy is that last night Mrs. ble and I were talking about it and she said that she had a number in mind for the salary that would mean it's meant to be and that's the exact number that the offer came in at. Makes you wonder...

Looks like we're going to be thinking a lot tonight.

Well, the sh*t just got real. I got a verbal offer this evening from the recruiter. He wanted me to think it over and let him know if I was interested tomorrow. Once that happens he will develop the formal offer to send to me since he said that there is quite a bit of work on their end to do for an offer like this and they don't want to do it if I'm not serious. The offer was for more than what he had initially told me was the range, and the relocation is a reimbursement based package which means it will be tax-free. What's crazy is that last night Mrs. ble and I were talking about it and she said that she had a number in mind for the salary that would mean it's meant to be and that's the exact number that the offer came in at. Makes you wonder...

Looks like we're going to be thinking a lot tonight.
Sometimes the universe is shouting at us to take a risk. Best of luck whatever you decide!

Big decisions in the ble house tonight. Congrats. They met your salary expectations so that excuse is gone. Best of luck whatever you decide. Put me on the calendar for the guest room.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I've forgotten how hard it is to think through a decision like this, and this one is even harder because it would be taking us halfway around the world.

EG, I think that your statement echos my thoughts exactly. It just seems like everything has fallen right into place with this opportunity and it's like I'm being pushed this direction. Of course, don't mention that to my mom. She has been terrible through this whole ordeal and last night she was bawling her eyes out telling me that I'm only thinking of myself and no one else. She's one of the most religious persons I know and always talks about praying about things and letting God's will be done, but when I point out how everything with this opportunity has been lined up for me to take the job she doesn't want to hear it. If it were reversed and I was seeing red flags telling me not to take it, she would be the first one to point out that it is God trying to tell me what to do. I understand that us moving would be hard on everyone and that they wouldn't get to see the kids that often, but she has always been the one to belittle any opportunity that I've had if it required me to move. She's a classic mother hen that would be perfectly happy with all of her kids living right next door to her and that drives me crazy sometimes.

One big thing that is also pushing me toward accepting the job is that everyone that I've spoken to that works out there tells me that it has been the most stress-free and enjoyable work of their career. The say that the people they are working with are great and that they are very appreciative of all the work that they are doing. It just seems like it's a good place to work. I'm supposed to let the recruiter know today if I want to move forward with this and I'm about 99.8% sure that I do. To be continued...

Good luck with the decision Ble! Sounds like an awesome opportunity.

Wow, great news Ble! I hope that you can make the best decision for your family!!

I can sympathize with the mom issue. My girlfriend's mom had been supportive of her moving up here to Michigan, but as the time draws closer she is becoming less happy about it. Never mind that she only sees my girlfriend a few times a year, we can easily still visit a few times a year, and she drives four hours to the casino twice a month but hasn't driven two hours to visit my girlfriend in about a year.

But that's only a 900-mile move versus 5,000, and there are no kids involved. Hawaii would be very a tough decision. In the end you have to do what's best for you and your family.

You all will probably call me crazy, but honestly I don't think I'd want to live in HI. I like having four seasons and would miss the snow. Also I love to travel, but traveling from HI seems like it would be expensive and take a lot of time. But I'd love to visit!

I think I read that technically the worlds tallest mountain is in Hawaii if you measure it from the base of the mountain, which is below sea level. So that being the case surely there's got to be some snow and you can see it if you were motivated.

I would take the weekend to think about it if they will let you.

Your kids are still relatively young and moving them at that age I don't think is as traumatic as when they are teenagers. But it is nice to have family around especially grandparents when your kids are young.

So you could always do a two years stint there and if you didn't like it you can always look to come back.

And I am sure you are factoring this in but sometimes coming back and isn't always as easy as getting there. Companies on the mainland may not be as willing to foot the bill for the relocation from Hawaii and back to the states. there will always be more available talent in the states than there will be one the island.

Last year I was so desperate to get out of my job in Boulder I was willing to foot the bill to go back to Atlanta and I found that most people I talked to didn't want to offer very much in terms of relocation.

Not trying to be a Debbie downer or anything


Hawaii has an active volcano that could blow any day and wipe out the entire island chain.

And everyone on it.

And don't forget the typhoons.

I was thinking the same thing RG said: put a virtual end-by date on it and then decide whether to re-hire yourself after that. Only problem is, Hawaii is expensive, so unless it's an uber-fatty paycheck, it will be a grand adventure but without much of a payout.

Then again... It's F'HAWAII!!! GO TO HAWAII DAMMIT!!!!

People tend to regret the adventures they never took more than those that didn't work out. Life is an adventure, to be enjoyed and experienced. Even if you aren't able to buy a lot of "stuff", the shear experience of it all will be unforgettable.

(all of this written by someone who still lives within 2 hours of where he grew up)

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Go for it, Ble!

You will then be the closest EB member to me, at only 3500 miles away from me!

RG - technically I think Saipan is the highest mountain, measured from the bottom of the trench and all that. :p

Don't let mom guilt you into not doing something that you and your wife agree is a good opportunity. Love your mom but the family that you need to answer to now is you mrs ble and mini ble1 and 2
