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Good luck, dude! Living in a "resort" area has it's quirks, but once you settle in, it is hard to beat.

Thanks everyone!

I just spoke with the recruiter a few minutes ago. He said that he hasn't actually spoken with the PM yet, but based on the emails that they traded this morning (Hawaii morning), he thinks that they will probably move forward to the offer stage. He wanted to make sure that I didn't have any other questions for him and he did tell me that while they are looking to build a long term team out there, there is always the possibility in their company to transfer to other offices in the future if the opportunity presents itself. It seems that he is trying to make the move out there not seem as scary I guess.

I will say that the company has been extremely helpful so far in the process. The structural engineer that I interviewed with sent me his wife's contact information and mrs. ble and her have exchanged a few emails over the weekend. That has helped mrs. ble a lot because they are in a similar situation as us with young kids.

What started out as a "f#*k it let's do something crazy" job application is rapidly turning into a serious opportunity with great potential for growth. I'm excited...

Nice Ble. go for it. Break out the poi time to get lei'd

I will say that the company has been extremely helpful so far in the process. The structural engineer that I interviewed with sent me his wife's contact information and mrs. ble and her have exchanged a few emails over the weekend. That has helped mrs. ble a lot because they are in a similar situation as us with young kids.
^This is what I was saying about people being extra friendly and helpful, especially other "expats" who have been in your shoes before. If you have already had that type of offer of personal/family assistance, I'd say that's a good sign for what it would be like to work with those people long-term.

So I was just asked if I would consider taking a department manager position in Henderson Nevada with my same company?

I don't think living 30 minutes from Las Vegas would be an ideal situation for the kids, however if my kids were out of school I think I would definitely consider it..

Where else can you wear shorts 365 days a year Clark?

^ have you watched CSI? somebody dies there every week!

actually, Henderson looks pretty nice

I'm not sure that Las Vegas would be an area that I'd want to live in, but it does sound like a great opportunity.

As an update on my current situation with the job in Hawaii, I got a call last night from the recruiter giving me an update on everything on their end. He said that they are definitely interested, but the PM in Hawaii has been busy the past few days with other matters making it hard for them to speak (recruiter is based out of West Palm). He said that he hopes to have more information today and definitely thinks that they are going to make me an offer. Now it's a waiting game.

I may try and get an interview or a free trip to Vegas out of it at least.... But it's something I would consider once I am an empty nester.. I guess that's the one good thing about consulting is the ability to go some other places....

I guess being close to the CA coast may not be so bad.....

Good luck to you BLE- do you think they will fly you on for a face to face or just do it all over the phone?

I expect everything to be done over the phone. They haven't mentioned anything at all about flying me out there, and in a lot of ways I understand it because that's an expensive ordeal to say the least. In all honesty, based on what the recruiter has told me, I expect the next step is going to be an offer, although I could be totally misreading everything (wouldn't be the first time).

^Good luck!

RG, I wouldn't trade Denver for Nevada for anything.

I got an e-mail from one of my interviewers for the Bremerton, WA job that I turned down a few months ago. That was the one for a "tribal utility consultant". They can't fill the position, and now they also have a senior engineer position (design and CM) open in the same office, and he wanted to know if I was interested, or if I knew anyone who would be. Both are GS-11, which is below my target to be promotable, but that's not a bad position for anyone coming in from the outside. So if any of you know anyone with utility O&M experience, and who is good at training and dealing with other people, you might want to send them to USA Jobs. The utility consultant position is now open to the public.

Kind of wondering why 2 positions in that office are open and so hard to fill ...


I know it's expensive to travel to Hawaii but the one thing we did for here was to visit the Denver area and sort of look around at the place..

We drove through some areas where we thought we might want to live and tried to get a feel for what the neighborhood looks like in real life, because they don't always look the same on Zillow

a guy a work with was planning a weekend trip to New Orleans at the last minute, and a trip to Maui popped up. He's going there for a week at a price too low to refuse. You might get a last minute deal!
