Interview tips

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Quote overheard the other day:

"I don't burn bridges; I blow up the bridge and set the river on fire".

Wasn't that someone here? Maybe upstairs or something.

So the wife had a good idea over the weekend, she said since my old job strung me along for a couple months last year. she thinks I should apply for my old job, with no intentions of taking it, and string them along for a couple of months. basically play their stupid game for a few months negotiate the highest salary possible, after I receive an offer letter waiting as long as possible and then reject it?
And also negotiate something higher for relocation. LOL

I gave an update in the wild weekend thread, but I figured I'd update here as well. I've got a panel interview scheduled for Friday afternoon. The senior PM thinks that I'm a great fit for the role and is skipping the typical one-on-one phone interview and is interviewing me with two of the leads. I'm not sure that Mrs. ble is even going to entertain the idea at this point though, so I'm not sure it will go very far... We'll see.

I'm not sure if it's a product of what happened this weekend or what, but all I could think of today at work is that I need a change of scenery. Of course, it doesn't help that I've got an interview scheduled for a job in Honolulu, but still. I'm trying to prepare as thoroughly as possible for this interview and try to knock it out of the park. I've been mentioning it with mrs. ble quite a bit over the past couple of days and I think I may be able to swing her, but the house fire sure does put a damper on the whole thing since it's going to be at least 2 months before we could do anything with the house. Ah well, I'm getting the cart before the horse so to speak, so I'll just do the best that I can on Friday and see what happens after that.

^Just a phone interview with 3 guys, thankfully. I think a video interview would be weird. If the PM hadn't chosen to skip the first interview, it probably would have been a skype interview.

Good luck.

When I did a couple of dozen phone interviews to move to a vacation destination state probably the biggest question always asked and most difficult to answer was? Why do you really want this job? Why do you want to move?

I guess I did a poor job answering those questions because only one of those jobs worked out and it was a pretty shitty job.

^I'm sure that will be one of the things that they ask me. In fact, it was the very first question the recruiter asked me after he verified that I'm currently living in Charlotte. He seemed pleased with my answer, so I'll probably use the same one for them, but basically I told him that the job description fit my experience and career goals to a T. I'm not lying either, it almost seems like they wrote the JD for me. I think that's why I got a call back from them so quickly.

Good luck on the upcoming interview Ble. Time to forget all the recent drama and put your best engineering hat on. :thumbs:

Cobb County update!

They have now increased the moving expenses to $1,000!

I honestly, in a straight face said " It would cost me at least $7,000 to move back. I would be interested in serving the fine people of Cobb County again however I would either need $5,000 in reimbursed moving expenses or to have the max salary for 2 years to cover the move. I would be happy to sign a contract to that effect."

Then I probably ruined the deal and said please let me know by April 7th. Cause I have to put my deposit down on the Rocky Mountain Super Pass Plus by then to lock in the lowest price for next years ski season"

Was that too much?

^LOL That's awesome! If you were looking to string them along a while longer, I think you may have yanked the chain a little too hard on that one. They may not want to play anymore.

Well, the interview went very well. After my experience with my last job interview in Florida I'm hesitant to be to confident, but they basically spent most of the time talking about what they would like me to do once I started. They were very open about the ups and downs about living in Hawaii and they offered to let Mrs ble speak with their wives to learn about what it is like. I've gotta say that the job is almost exactly what I've been looking for. They want me to be the lead civil/structural engineer and grow their group there. I'm going to do some serious thinking this weekend...

I think that would be awesome, but that's me and I love island living.

I just shot you my summary of island life. I'd offer to let your wife talk to mine, but HI is pretty different than here, and she lived here all her life and is a "native" so she wouldn't be able to relate, I am pretty sure.

Usually, but my wife is a little better than that. She went to college in the states, and traveled all around Asia and the Pacific as part of a competitive island dancing group for several years before that (yes, I married a hula dancer).
