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We have the same issues here, but because we have to have a "diverse candidate pool," which isn't always easy when we're talking about engineers.

The position of one of our department heads has been empty for a year due to not getting a diverse candidate pool.

So I had an odd phone call yesterday. It was like Deja-Vu!

If you recall last year or longer my old job in the ATL called and inquired about me coming back- long story short it didn’t work out. I have learned that the guy they hired to replace my former boss (the Deputy DOT Director) felt I was a little of a threat to him so he was the one who killed off that idea, and the Director at the time told me she was trying to allow her new Deputy to flex his muscles?

So late yesterday I get a call from an ATL number (I lost most all my contacts) and its my former Director letting me know that the Construction Engineer position is about to be open (retirement) and she “would love” for me to apply.. Now this is the job I originally took at Cobb County and is one “pay grade/title” below what I was when I left- I was a Division Manager reporting to the Deputy Director. This job reports to the job I used to be in (Division Manager-now filled by a good friend of mine, but he is a traffic engineer so he doesn’t really know construction and pre construction.)

My first words out of my mouth were . I might consider it but I can’t pay to relocate myself back to ATL on my own dime.

She of course said they had “already discussed” that and they could offer me $500.00 !!! (It cost me at least $6,500) to move plus a bunch of other bullshit, and that was us packing, moving, etc) If I do move out of state again I fully plan to not lift a fucking finger.

Plus this position maxes out at $102K and I think when I left Cobb I was at around $98K. She did say she could bring my back at my old salary (2 years ago). Oh joy!

I am torn between being glad I am still thought off and pissed off that I would be expected to eat several thousand dollars in moving, probably tens of thousands when you factor in those real estate fucking vultures to come back and work for that cunt..

As we discussed money she told me that she had really made a hiring mistake with the Deputy Director and she hoped he would “be gone” in another year or so- I guess that was supposed to be some type of carrot on a stick.. I told her I would think about it, but I have no real plans to…………..

However part of me wants to apply and then I can present this to the family, Part of me would like to offer, “Either we stay here and you suck it up and stop bitching at me when you have a bad fucking day or we go back to the ghetto/ ATL and I could put every fucking last one of you back into your life exactly where you were when we left”. I could dig a 4 mile commute again and a $220K mortage..

She of course said they had “already discussed” that and they could offer me $500.00 !!!
Wow. Was she able to actually say that to you with a straight face? Good lord does she have any concept of what it costs to move locally not to mention across the country?! Apparently not. That probably wouldn't even cover fuel.

She of course said they had “already discussed” that and they could offer me $500.00 !!!
Wow. Was she able to actually say that to you with a straight face? Good lord does she have any concept of what it costs to move locally not to mention across the country?! Apparently not. That probably wouldn't even cover fuel.

it would cover a half of a plane ticket for him to go look for a house... maybe.

yeah but he gets to report to his replacement from his old job. To even consider they need to rearrange the org chart so RG is on an even plateau with his old position and they need to find some budget dollars to move him and the family back.

^^^ Assuming they genuinely want to go back. I've seen the FB pics and the family seems pretty happy here...

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Well we all know FB isn’t always reflective of true life (except my FB) ;)

I would like the opportunity to provide, say a vote, on an opportunity to go back and let them have the decision.

It would save me from being the asshole every time someone has a bad day its automatically my fault. Or at least I could throw back on them. Well I could have taken that job…

& Yes she “said” that with a straight face (as far as I could tell over the phone anyways) I guess they just think this place is so grand to work that people should pay to work there. I think I would have to be utterly desperate to go back there. I really did do all I could do in that position, only real reason for me to stay would have been if I wanted to the Director down the road, professionally there was not much more for me to do there.. The job would be very easy I would have to say though, I had the Construction Group running like a well-oiled machine.

One thing that does sort of suck, a really good friend of mine just became the Commissioner (head) of GA DOT- that has to make me feel a little like I totally pissed my career away to be honest. Would have been good if I was in the consulting world in that state.

I'd say their "offer" to you is pretty insulting, IMO. You must have some lingering desire to move back to ATL if you are even considering it. I don't think I would do much more than laugh about it.

I'd say their "offer" to you is pretty insulting, IMO. You must have some lingering desire to move back to ATL if you are even considering it. I don't think I would do much more than laugh about it.

I would have to agree with this 100%. I have no idea what you're making now, but to go back to the same place you were working before at a lower position would be crazy IMO, even with the carrot stick out there about the Deputy Director position.

Ok, so ignore my previous comment to RG because I did something pretty crazy last night. I applied for a job in Honolulu. Mrs. ble and I have been talking lately about how you only get one shot at life so why not live a little? Now I'm still an engineer at heart, so I would never be one of those that picks up and moves across the country/world without a good job lined up first, but I figured that it never hurts to try. I know that it is not the best financial decision at all, but who's to say if I'm going to make it past 50? Or 40 for that matter. Honestly, the job description fits my experience to a T almost and would be a step up in responsibility, so professionally it would actually be a good move. By the way dleg, didn't you say that you've been working with Leidos on your utility project out there? It wouldn't be people from their Hawaii office would it? That's where I applied. I've lived my life very conservatively ever since high school and now I'm starting to think "Fuck it, let's try something crazy (but not too crazy)!" We'll see if I make it past the first line of HR...

That sounds pretty nice Ble!!

Now, I hope that you can brush up on your sleeping in the sun & eating spam before you get this job!!! Good luck!

Ble, you can't do that,

Then we would all have to quit our jobs and do the same!

Actually I love the idea. The morning drive time radio guy was signing off yesterday and said: "This is the only March 18, 2015 you will have in this life, go enjoy it"

It was a quality of life decision that got us to move out to Colorado, and while it wasn't always easy I've never regretted it. But then I didn't have a quality job to bring me here. Part of what drove that was when a close friend in her late 30's and then my brother in his early 40's both died. Life is short, go enjoy it!

And I think that most people that have visited Hawaii have done the calculations for what it would take to live there.

^That's what we've been thinking as well. I do know that it would be a tremendous sacrifice, but sometimes you've got to just take a chance. And I figure there's only a small chance that I'll get a call back for it anyway.

Sounds good but that is a LONG way away!!!!

I actually really like it here, I like the snow, I even really like the cold. But I think at times I am just always going to be rolling a large rock uphill. The Quality of Life part doesn't really exist here anymore since the cost of housing went through the roof. I wish I had done this 10 years ago when you could buy a house for a normal sum of money- Damn Californians! As long as the wife's profession is as difficult as it is (14 hour days) I think anywhere we lived where she "has" to work is going to be tough. I am not giving serious consideration to going back to Cobb County, but I have turned down some "fatty money" jobs to go to other places (Charlotte most recently). And the next time one of those comes around (short of North Dakota) where there is an opportunity for her not to work, or work 1 day a week as a PRN Nurse (where you sign up for work as a consultant when you want to work) I am probably going to do what I can to take it.

So, ummm, I got a call from the recruiter that is in charge of the job posting this afternoon. I have to say that this is the fastest response that I have ever received. He was very up front with me about the fact that the PM will be hesitant with an east coast applicant because they have been burned by people in the past that got cold feet when it came time to actually make the decision. He did say that I match exactly what they are looking for so that may convince the PM to give me a call. We'll see what happens...

If you get that far there is a guy in our office who just came back from a 2 year stint there if you wanted to talk to him about moving there as a mainlander..

Ble, find out where the office location would be, research the housing costs and potential commute so you are going in with eyes wide open.

RG, it always bothered me when my wife would complain about how hard she was working. I had the advantage though in that the move was her idea initially so bad days are not my fault. I always told her she could quit her job and I would buy the finest doublewide in Golden off my CDOT salary.
