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Pitkin County (county that Aspen is in) is hiring a project engineer. I know the county engineer, so I called him about it. Tis is the second listing for it, and apparently they weren't happy with the crop of applicants they got last time. I am thinking about it because a) my families life is more in the Aspen area (schools, activities, etc) than where my current office is, b) I am intrigued by working for a county gubment, c) it would get me out of the high litigation field of geotechnical engineering, and d) I wouldn't be exposing myself to asbestos anymore (part of my job now as a building inspector for asbestos). The hiring range isn't much more than I make now, but it isn't all about the Benjamins. The county engineer talked with me for about 30 minutes, and said that he hoped he saw my application in their system. I think that I would have a pretty good shot at the position. What is holding me back is that I am comfortable in my current job, and really like the people that I work with, in spite of the fact that I am the youngest in my office by about 20 years. There will be a lot of turnover in this office in the next 5 years. I'm not sure that my boss sees me as the replacement branch manager (which I find frustrating). Thanks for letting me ramble. The short of it is that I think I'll apply, and see what comes of it. 11 years in one place is a pretty good run.

I would imagine that would be a fun gig. especially if you could get in line for the County Engineer job one day. I really enjoyed my time in local government, you get to be more of a decision maker (which is good and bad). Good Luck!

I am enjoying consulting but I keep my eye out if the right City Engineer or County Engineer job if one comes along I am going to go for it..

^ never hurts to apply and see what else there is out there.

On a side note, if you actually re-locate to the Aspen area, I hope you have a spare room for me to crash when go skiing out there. ;)

I think there's a bus that can get you from his current house to Aspen.

Go for it, FLBuff! Think of the ability to sneak out to go see mini-Buff school performances in the coming years.

^That is part of the reason it intrigues me. I am currently 1 hour from mini-Buff 1's school, and it is a PITA getting to all her school stuff. #2 will be going to the same school in 3 years, and it would sure as hell be easier to be about 10 minutes from their school. Plus, I could keep a bike at the county engineering office, and ride to their school events.

And yes, there is a bus that goes to the ski areas from my house. The bus line is literally at the end of my street.

When I semi-retire in 10 years we are moving to the mountains and I plan to look for a similar job so that Will give you time to get the county engineer job and I can be your Lackey

^ never hurts to apply and see what else there is out there.

On a side note, if you actually re-locate to the Aspen area, I hope you have a spare room for me to crash when go skiing out there. ;)
BTW, if you have plans on coming out here this year, I'd skip it. The snow is not great.

^That is part of the reason it intrigues me. I am currently 1 hour from mini-Buff 1's school, and it is a PITA getting to all her school stuff. #2 will be going to the same school in 3 years, and it would sure as hell be easier to be about 10 minutes from their school. Plus, I could keep a bike at the county engineering office, and ride to their school events.
slam dunk I'd say

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^ never hurts to apply and see what else there is out there.

On a side note, if you actually re-locate to the Aspen area, I hope you have a spare room for me to crash when go skiing out there. ;)
BTW, if you have plans on coming out here this year, I'd skip it. The snow is not great.
I've been hearing that from some of my friends. What gives? I thought the snow was always great out there....

Global warming man. Haven't you heard? This was caused by climate change 350 million years ago and it's still happening!!

Congrats! You should go ahead and post it on Facebook to irritate he other candidates!

I'd have to friend them first and I'm pretty sure the other main candidate's wife doesn't allow him to friend women from work. He previously had to leave the DOT because he over-friended a lady from work, ifyouknowwhatImean.

Congrats CSB! You rocked that! You deserve that after putting forth so much effort to get the job you wanted. I forget, does this come with some extra fatty $$? If so, are we having an party and will there be cake?

^ never hurts to apply and see what else there is out there.

On a side note, if you actually re-locate to the Aspen area, I hope you have a spare room for me to crash when go skiing out there. ;)
BTW, if you have plans on coming out here this year, I'd skip it. The snow is not great.
I've been hearing that from some of my friends. What gives? I thought the snow was always great out there....
There has been a high ridge stuck over the Pacific that is forcing the jet north of us. I follow a local meteorologist who is very knowledgeable about this stuff, and runs a very accurate weather blog for the area. He said this morning that we are supposed to get some snow at the start of next week, and then he is seeing some signs that we may get a large (2'-5') amount of snow at the end of this month. I am doing my Ullr dance. We need that much snow to get anywhere near average snowfall.
