Interview tips

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CSB- this is where the FB comment came from----- right before I left the County (GA) I was forced to promote someone who didn’t deserve it (this has nothing to do with you-just a story) but I objected and was over-ruled. There were 4 internal candidates. When I told the “winner’ that he had been selected I specifically told him do not say anything to anyone until I can let the other 4 candidates know they did not get the job (we really had no good candidates and I wanted to hire external but I was again overruled).

So I gave the guy this news at 5:30 PM one day, and then later that night I get some text from the other candidates that the guy had posted on FB ‘Just got a huge promotion!!!!!” essentially they said sarcasticall “thanks for letting me know AHOLE!”

Now this goes back to my primary rule never be FB friends with coworkers. So 2 of three individuals were fb friends and were obviously pissed that this is how they found out..

The next morning I gave my new direct report a written reprimand for failing to follow supervisors direction.

The director realized about 3 weeks after she had made me promote him that he was an idiot and when I left the county he quit about a month later because he was basically being made to look like a fool due to his incompetence.. he was promoted into an “at will” position and he had been told to find a new job quick…

Of course the bitch director never called to say “mike you were right”

For the record I wanted to promote a female engineer who was incredibly sharp, but just lacked sort of the “mean spirit’ you need to be a manager. I plead the case that I would rather work with someone with smarts who I could teach leadership skills to rather than a “dumbass”

Seeing as how I found out I didn't get that other job via facebook, I totally understood where he was coming from. Now it's all out in the open and official and crap. YAY! I got the job! It comes with government fatty money, so I can buy cake, but little else.

Congrats CSB. Does that mean more junkets to the east coast like TRB?

I think so. There's a trip planned to go to a paint factory to literally watch paint dry. That's in Texas.

Thanks, everybody! It feels good that the leap I took last February is paying off.

So I gave the guy this news at 5:30 PM one day, and then later that night I get some text from the other candidates that the guy had posted on FB ‘Just got a huge promotion!!!!!” essentially they said sarcasticall “thanks for letting me know AHOLE!”
What a complete and total F'tard.

Congrats CSB! You kicked that MF interview in it's b$&^-a$$ ballsac and made it your .... wait, how's that go again? ...Whatever, congratulations!

is there a celebrate thread in the garage? should there be one to put them off the scent?

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^That is part of the reason it intrigues me. I am currently 1 hour from mini-Buff 1's school, and it is a PITA getting to all her school stuff. #2 will be going to the same school in 3 years, and it would sure as hell be easier to be about 10 minutes from their school. Plus, I could keep a bike at the county engineering office, and ride to their school events.
slam dunk I'd say
Got my application completed and submitted last night.

They extended the application deadline to March 8, so I called the County Engineer to make sure they had everything they needed (and find out why they extended that application deadline). The County Engineer said that in terms of my application that "we are good" and that the deadline was extended to get "more people". I get the feeling that I may have been one of a few that applied, but I'm not sure how to take the deadline extension. Just offer me the job, damnit (I said this in my head, not out loud). Any thoughts from others on this situation?

Yeah, a minimum number of "qualified" applicants are required for a position to be filled. We've had spots open for weeks because we didn't get enough applicants despite the fact that we already knew who we were going to hire.
