Interview tips

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2 headhunter calls the past 2 days! Not going to get ultra excited but its at least nice to see maybe our market is trending that way again.....

I like what I am doing at the moment, but I also like money, and sex, and lattes..

2 headhunter calls the past 2 days! Not going to get ultra excited but its at least nice to see maybe our market is trending that way again.....

I like what I am doing at the moment, but I also like money, and sex, and lattes and Breckenridge condos.

Good luck on the job hunt csb! And good luck in the hunting class. I would link the Duck Dynasty episode where they took their wives hunting, but you would kick my ass.

Hunter Safety has me more nervous than anything. The only gun I've ever shot was a BB gun and that was once in the backyard about 3 years ago when my kid showed me how. It appears I'm terrified of guns, so the next few days should be fan-fing-tastic.

And thanks, everybody! I'm plan on making that interview my bitch. It'll be a promotion in my department. I might even be able to buy a car. If I don't get it, I'm burning the place down jacking with all the signal timings statewide.

Hunter Safety has me more nervous than anything. The only gun I've ever shot was a BB gun and that was once in the backyard about 3 years ago when my kid showed me how. It appears I'm terrified of guns, so the next few days should be fan-fing-tastic.

And thanks, everybody! I'm plan on making that interview my bitch. It'll be a promotion in my department. I might even be able to buy a car. If I don't get it, I'm burning the place down jacking with all the signal timings statewide.

You have always had a healthy attitude during discussions about guns around here, try to focus on why you are taking the class, to be safe and comfortable around them (I am assuming you aren't planning on going and killing any elk or buffalo or bison or what nots)

I spoke with a recruiter yesterday about a very interesting opportunity. It's a complete change from what I'm currently doing and would focus on FRP composite design and helping to develop new products/applications. It also would require me to be a presenter at trade shows, seminars, etc. The company has been looking for someone for a while and they are having trouble finding an engineer that is also comfortable with presenting in front of a large group of people. I haven't done that in a while, but I've never had an issue speaking about something that I am knowledgeable of. Evidently this company owns a lot of patents in the industry and as such, doesn't have a lot of competition. I'm torn on whether to apply or not. On one hand, it's not what I'm used to at all and could be a very difficult transition. But then again, it's a great opportunity (from what I can tell) to get into a company in a high ranking position in an industry that could see a lot of future growth. Another issue I have is that my current job is going very well right now and I've really been given a lot of responsibility over the past few months that show the higher ups like what I'm doing.

On the salary side, the low end of the range the recruiter gave me would be a 10-12% bump (assuming I get promoted this month) and I feel that I could probably get a 20% bump if I asked for it. The location is either in Houston or West Palm Beach. I told the recruiter that I would only be interested in Houston for a couple of reasons. First, if based in Houston, 80-90% of my time would be spent working with clients in Houston, whereas in WPB it would be about 60% (that is I'd have to travel 40% of the time). Also, the cost of living in Houston is comparable to Charlotte and WPB is a lot more expensive to live in, so the salary bump would mean a lot more disposable income in Houston.

Right now I'm leaning toward going forward with it because I don't lose anything. Supposedly I'll be put in contact with the VP and the recruiter thinks that the process will move fairly quickly because they have been looking to hire someone for so long. Man, it helped to type all of that out. Any thoughts?

I couldn't be a vendor.

All interviews are done at work. Now I wait.
Good luck csb! I'm confident you'll get the job!

You know, I had completely overlooked the fact that this would be a job as a vendor... I never really deal with vendors other than random lunch and learns, so that's probably why. I'm not sure if it's right for me or not, but I spoke with the recruiter yesterday and he said that the VP liked my resume and was going to talk with his engineering team prior to setting up a phone interview. I'm mainly interested to speak with him and see exactly what is expected out of this position.

Three total candidates, two of us are from within the program. I have the most time in the program and the most time working with programs the job requires. My fingers are crossed extra hard.

I'll admit my vendor dislike comes from the bad ones, like the one that came yesterday to talk to us about a project I'm working on. I appreciate the intelligent, no BS vendors, which it sounds like they'd like you to be. It's the ones that are like pharmaceutical reps that drive me nuts. If you're going to sell an engineering product, expect some technical questions!

I saw the other internal candidate as he was headed to his interview. We crossed paths in the parking lot and I resisted the urge to sucker punch him. Instead I said good luck. "BUT NOT TOO MUCH LUCK, ASSHOLE!"
