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You could also try a variation of hummus using black beans instead of garbanzo's, lime in place of lemon, and extra garlic in place of tahini. Again, ample quantities of beans and a few dark beers should work out really well for you.
What an excellent idea! I hate hummus, but I love black beans. I'm going to try this.

Camping is an excellent idea!

You should introduce the idea to her in a humorous way, too, using an old joke:

Fudgey: You ever been camping before?

Victi-I mean Date: Yes, I love camping!

Fudgey: Well, can I ask you strange question about a friend?

Date: Sure!

Fudegey: Well, let's just say this friend of mine went camping with another friend, and woke up the next morning with a terrible hangover, her pants around her ankles, a pain in her anus, and vaseline smeared all over her.

Date: That's terrible!

Fudgey: I know! But my question is, if this happened to you, would you tell anyone?

Date: No way!

Fudgey: Wanna go camping?

Fusion speaks the truth. The worst offender is fresh habanero peppers. I chopped some up not long ago to add to some chili I was making. At one point I had to take a leak. Knowing I had hot stuff on my hands I washed them thoroughly before doing my business. it didnt help at all. Felt like someone dragged my weener over a cheese grater then belt sanded it
This happened to me too, but without the thorough hand washing. I was at work (Habaneros at work, eh Ol' Deadbeat? Yes, it's true - a coworker had grown them in his garden and brought them in - which evolved into a macho habanero eating contest). I had to go home and sit in a cold bath for about an hour. I thought I was going to pass out. Unbelievable pain. When I returned to the office the gang had rounded up all of the fire extinguishers and put them on my desk.

The incident turned out to be quite the icebreaker at office parties, however. "all I've got is a little scar - wanna see?"

LOL. Where's the "I'm such a ******* sometimes" smiley?

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Guys I got a problem. I think I am coming down with something. I might head home from work early. What do I do if I get sick this weekend? I'm kind of on a roll and with this, I don't want to cancel things and mess up the momentum. Plus I've really been looking forward to hanging out and I think she is too. I don't know what to do. I may just have a 24-hour stomach bug but what if I am getting really sick here. I don't want to panic and cancel early or wait until the last minute because that looks bad. But I'm not going to be any fun if I feel like crap. Any advice anyone?

I'd say give her a "warning" that you are not feeling well today but hope to feel better by the weekend. You may get some sympathy for your current condition, so win-win.

Agreed with Roadmonkey.....

Is this stomach related, or all-over?? If it's stomach, you might want to play it safe. Make sure you have some immodium AD on hand, if it's all-over (Like the flu) be honest....If it's a cold, go get tons of AIRBORNE and start drinking that stuff about every 3 hours, you might even want to go to the Doctor today........A little anti-biotic will have you feeling like a new person by Sunday!

I've really been looking forward to hanging out and I think she is too.

there is nothing like it IMO.

I would do like Roadmonkey said, give her a warning, re-iterate that you are looking forward to gettting together, and rest up in the meantime.

You'll be ready for action by tomorrow! :thumbs:

You guys are killing me... I left work early to have a few (four or five!) beers and now I'm back at the office waiting for the buzz to wear off. There's one other guy in the cubicle next door and he wants to know what I'm doing at work that's got me laughing so much!

^^That's cruel, IlPadrino. The poor guy has a real dilemma here, and all you can do is laugh.


What happens if he starts to have real feelings for this girl....? Which it souonds like he's getting anyway.

He might just get to feel guilty about sharing this info with us! Maybe he wants a little privacy?

SCREW THAT!!!! Let's hear it Fudgey! how did it go? We're you able to fix yourself?
