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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
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Space Contamination Detox Orbit
I am sick of ICE and what it does to power lines. Anyone else in the heart of this Oklahoma ICE storm?

I worked like 4 hours this week, and was kicked out when the generators went down. They didn't want my computer using up the DC power.

Or you could come here where it is cold as hell in the winter and hot & humid in the summer.

But to get back on topic, it just sucks to be in stuff like that Slugger. Fight the good fight and keep warm.

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Power outages suck no matter what. But I would imagine it would suck pretty bad when it's also cold, wet, & icy.

No problem with that here, but when typhoons roll through, we typiclaly go 5 days without power & water in my neighborhood. At least it's not freezing cold, though.

78 degrees here. Just got back from playing a soccer game in shorts and short sleeves. :)

December in the South Rocks!! :th_rockon:

82 degrees here in South Florida.
ooooohhhh yeah!! Just got back from Clearwater Beach! :bananalama: It really, really sucked to leave. :bawling:

No problem with that here, but when typhoons roll through, we typiclaly go 5 days without power & water in my neighborhood.
Oh guru of micronesian water quality :bowdown: :bowdown:

Serious question - don't shoot me. Do you have problems with the potable water distribution lines staying continuously pressurized during 'regular' operation to prevent infiltration? Just curious.


^ I'd say suck my big sweaty balls but they haven't sweat in 6 weeks. Hell, give it another couple weeks and they'll retract halfway to my belly button.
Hmmmm! Retractable balls. Is there a mechanism that could be patented?

84 here today. I wish I had been at the beach.

It was a beautiful day here...almost wish I could have taken off and played a round of golf...

Unfortunately this weather won't last long for us....

Slugger...I feel your pain...about 5 years ago, right before finals and graduation, we got an ice storm in Raleigh and I was without power for 6 days. I couldn't get out of my apt. complex for 2 days due to fallen trees. And I had a project due in order to graduate that my prof wouldn't let us turn in late (ice was not an excuse). I had to take my desktop computer to campus to get my work off of it.

After not having power due to both hurricanes (2004/05 South Florida) and ice storms, I would much rather be without power due to hurricanes (at least I didn't freeze my @$$ off).

Serious question - don't shoot me. Do you have problems with the potable water distribution lines staying continuously pressurized during 'regular' operation to prevent infiltration? Just curious.
You talkin' to me? Yes, we have serious problems with that. I've seen some nasty stuff come out of my pipes after power failures (which happens much, much more frequently than just typhoons). You certainly would not want to consume our tap water out here. Strictly for showering, flushing, and washing.

Ice? Setting record highs here. Had the AC cut on last night.

I do hate ice storms, although I have to admit they sure are pretty.

And more snow heading this way. We may actually have a white christmas this year!!

Nothing like God to kick in during finals week to free up time in order to read books for two term papers.!!!!!! I am sorry to everyone that lost power for an extended period, but prayers do work!!!!! Be careful what you ask for. :multiplespotting:

And more snow heading this way. We may actually have a white christmas this year!!

I'm dreaming of one! I don't know if I could explain to my daughter that it doesn't always have snow at Christmas. This is the first year she is on to the whole Christmas / Santa thing - she is 2.75 yrs old. The other day she asks, "where is our fire, how will Santa come in?" I struggled explaining that he will come down the chimney, into the basement, and walk up the stairs to the tree. Then I had to show her the access port to the chimey (it is for our furnace).
