Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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Willis, Willis, Hodor Hodor?

Haha ... seriously though, they do have to give more background on that. Did you notice the Stark sister, Aunt Lyanna in the flashback? R+L=J

I saw something somewhere...maybe some extra behind-the-scenes footage after the episode...where they talked about starting to use the "flashbacks" more to provide history.

I also don't remember the "Leaf" character from other seasons AT ALL.

The GoT wiki thing says that she appeared in Season 4 and did something with a fireball?  I need to go back and binge watch some of the other seasons again.

The character was briefly at the end of season four, but they have a new actress this season. There was a much younger girl that played leaf when they found that stupid tree in the third eye Raven

Leaf is one of the "children of the forest", and they are supposedly older than "the first men" (I hope I have this readers confirm?) She was definitely in season 4, when Bran et. al. made it to the weirwood tree, and was played by a younger girl.

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Ohhhh...I'm trying to remember.  Weren't they being chased by zombie types or something when they got to the creepy tree?  Maybe she popped out and zapped a couple.

Little prick deserved it.

Very surprised to see Bolton's newest captives.

Loving Bran's flashbacks.  Dying to see what's happening in the tower!

So Jon's going all "Bye Felicia" but where is he going to go?

Kind of slow, I don't think we will see much movement on the actual story line until the last 2 episodes.

guess I will change my assessment, things are moving pretty good I think,  They have spent too much time on Jon and Dannys story line for them not to be there till the end. I think this whole season we will be waiting for Ramsey to die.

So now I am thinking the Iron Islands and the Snow/wildthings will somehow connect to topple the Boltons??

& just when it looks like the Lannisters are back in control, in rolls the unsullied and the Dothraki to westeros.. That's going to be an interesting battle...

I was totally not expecting the show to end that way.  

Still very curious to see what will happen with Littlefinger.  Looks like he and the Stark clan are due for a little chat as to how Sansa ended up with the Boltons...

It will be interesting to see who forms alliances, though I'd imagine Tyrion's days of assisting the Lannisters in any capacity is over.  

I was kind of torn between thinking it was cool, and also think it was rehashing a way for them to escape that had already been done before.

I was actually expecting Jon Snow to come back like one of the pets in pet cemetery instead of being slightly normal


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