Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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Wait, Cersei is pregnant? When did that happen? Either I forgot, or I missed it.
The scene where she told Jamie she knew of his meeting with Tyrion. She patted her belly, and he asked if she knew who the dad was. She said it was him, got up and kissed him, then as they hugged said she would essentially kill him if he pulled that **** again (talking to Tyrion without killing him).

If John is not a bastard (say rhaegar was legally married to Laynna sp?) would that give John preference over Danny?  

And the dragon smellimg john thing was probably also an indication of him recognizing John?  

Isn't there something about 3 dragon riders?  Who would be the 3rd?
Yes. Jon would then be a full-blown Targaryen and would be the first heir to the throne before Dany.

The dragon smelling and letting Jon pet him is likely indicating that the dragon recognizes the Targaryen blood in his veins and could lead to him being a dragon rider. At this point, I have no idea who the third rider would be.

But Dany can control the dragons when she's not riding them... So, why need a second or third rider?

I agree that Jon would be ahead of Dany (wow, what a piece of humble pie that would be!) if Rhaegar married Lyana Stark. Silly Sam interrupting Gilly! She may have revealed the most relevant piece of information to the 7 Kingdoms, besides, you know, the White Walker stuff.

I also agree that the dragon definitely recognized Jon Snow. So it's just a Targaryen thing, I guess?

I don't think she controls them. More that they protect her and loosely follow where she goes. They do wander quite a bit which is why she had to chain them up, especially when they started roasting farmers and their families.

For the third rider, I read a theory that the mad king raped Teron's mother.  That's why his father hated him.  And the dragons didn't roast him when he removed their chains

Well, by control, I guess I mean it seems that they do what she says. And I also feel like she can communicate with them with her mind, when she's riding them. The definitely are able to do their own thing also, but respect her and follow her direction.

I heard that one also.
Same, except that a variation of that theory is that Jamie and Cercei are the product of the rape instead of Tyrion (because she was supposedly raped on the wedding night). That version of the theory then says that Jamie is the foretold "Promised Prince" who will ultimately kill Cercei and then defeat the Night King.

So did the iron bank get their money or did it get burnt up?

and I don't recall much reading about the iron bank from "the books" but what is their hammer? Do they have some unstoppable force to make people pay or do they just cut off your ability to eat?

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I was kind of under the assumption that the money got burned (didn't they show it happen two episodes again, during the fight?)... And that Jaime half tried telling Cersei that, but she was talking kind of over him about how they were going to hire mercenaries to fight for them with that gold...

Also, the other team at my softball game last night had music, and the first song that played during the game was a rave-y remix of the GoT theme song.

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I was kind of under the assumption that the money got burned (didn't they show it happen two episodes again, during the fight?)... And that Jaime half tried telling Cersei that, but she was talking kind of over him about how they were going to hire mercenaries to fight for them with that gold...

Also, the other team at my softball game last night had music, and the first song that played during the game was a rave-y remix of the GoT theme song.
I think they said that the gold had gone ahead and that they were just emptying or destroying the remaining grain/crop stores...

I think they said that the gold had gone ahead and that they were just emptying or destroying the remaining grain/crop stores...
Hmm, that's possible. But I remember Jaime paying Bronn from the carriage that had the gold in it right before the attack. Is that incorrect?

Before the fight, the Tarley's rode up to Jamie and said the first half of the army had made it into Kings Landing with the gold.

The dragon just burned the back half of the army with the supplies.

That's even worse...nothing lamer than a guy going to bat with his own walk-up music while wearing gym shoes and cutoff jean shorts.
It wasn't walkup music, so much as just background music throughout the game. It didn't bother me that much.

Same, except that a variation of that theory is that Jamie and Cercei are the product of the rape instead of Tyrion (because she was supposedly raped on the wedding night). That version of the theory then says that Jamie is the foretold "Promised Prince" who will ultimately kill Cercei and then defeat the Night King.
the prophecy did say her valonqar "little brother" will kill her...both Jaime and tyrion are both born after her...she just assumes it is tyrion the prophecy refers
