Dexman PE PMP
Internationally PMP'n his PE-ness
The scene where she told Jamie she knew of his meeting with Tyrion. She patted her belly, and he asked if she knew who the dad was. She said it was him, got up and kissed him, then as they hugged said she would essentially kill him if he pulled that **** again (talking to Tyrion without killing him).Wait, Cersei is pregnant? When did that happen? Either I forgot, or I missed it.
Yes. Jon would then be a full-blown Targaryen and would be the first heir to the throne before Dany.If John is not a bastard (say rhaegar was legally married to Laynna sp?) would that give John preference over Danny?
And the dragon smellimg john thing was probably also an indication of him recognizing John?
Isn't there something about 3 dragon riders? Who would be the 3rd?
The dragon smelling and letting Jon pet him is likely indicating that the dragon recognizes the Targaryen blood in his veins and could lead to him being a dragon rider. At this point, I have no idea who the third rider would be.