Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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its been well worth my $12 / month HBO NOW fee!

& I am thinking that Bran is going to become a real Debbie downer for some people - he might want to get some protection!

Yay, Littlefinger bit the dust! Finally. So happy to Sansa shed role as a victim and a somewhat passive leader of Winterfell, and finally get him out of her head. She definitely proved to be smarter to me than I thought.

So, does Jon have a better claim to the Iron Throne than Dany?

Also... I just read an interesting theory that maybe some of you were already aware of. Is Gendry possibly Cersei's son?

So, does Jon have a better claim to the Iron Throne than Dany?
Yes.  Son of the King takes precedent over siblings.

Also... I just read an interesting theory that maybe some of you were already aware of. Is Gendry possibly Cersei's son?
Yes, quoted from above: "There is also another theory that Gendry is actually Cersei's son with Robert, the one she claimed to have lost, and that she deliberately sent him away so that the child of Jamie and herself would get the throne, and not a descendant of a Baratheon."

Yes.  Son of the King takes precedent over siblings.

Yes, quoted from above: "There is also another theory that Gendry is actually Cersei's son with Robert, the one she claimed to have lost, and that she deliberately sent him away so that the child of Jamie and herself would get the throne, and not a descendant of a Baratheon."
Clearly, I need help reading this thread and following GoT family lines.


I heard Daenerys might not be Targaryen...She was born after the Mad King died, but her supposed mom was the Mad King's sister sooo, what if, Dany is actually the ******* decoy raised as a princess...the complete antithesis of Jon Snow.

Anyway, you don't have to be a Targaryen to be flame proof.  Look what happened to her "bro" and the gold hat.

Now the waiting begins, I guess.  George R.R. Martin is really having the last laugh in the end.

a lot of these "theories" originate on GOT Message Boards, and you know how many Looney people are on those god forsaken things!

Finally continuing to get caught up on this. Half way through season 5 and will be on to season 6 soon. Still lots of wow factor happening IMO.  :eek:hmy:

Hooked on the show but over a year and a half between seasons which only last 8-10 weeks? Pfft. 

Hooked on the show but over a year and a half between seasons which only last 8-10 weeks? Pfft. 
Agreed. We shut down our cable after this last season. We'll see where we're at once this next season comes back next year.

Agreed. We shut down our cable after this last season. We'll see where we're at once this next season comes back next year.
There's a torrent server that I believe originates very near your location that I'm sure you could stream from. :thumbs:

and only maybe 6 episodes for the final season?

I think they are using the extended break to introduce a spin off series to get everyone hooked on

& we just do HBO NOW for the 2 months of GOT - fairly cheap option..

Received the first two seasons one year as a Christmas gift. I was hooked. Ended up adding HBO just for GOT. Glad I did or never would have caught West World. A few of us at work discuss it but never the plot, it's always the sci-fi tech and engineering aspect of it. I don't think most people would appreciate the magnitude of what an accomplishment it would be just to give a  bipedal robot the ability to walk with a normal human gate let alone everything else required to be passable as human. 

All kinds of crazy @ss stuff going down in season 6 of GoT! Half way through it. Then on to season 7.

I also like that some of the newer season Blu-ray disks have Dolby Atmos audio. :thumbs:
