So today the gym offered a ROMWOD session and holy crap do I probably need to do that more. It helped that the group that showed up is as sarcastic as me and we laughed through a lot of it. The routine started with a FIVE MINUTE forward fold. By the end I was palms down on the ground, which was impressive.ROMWOD is a subscription service that streams daily routines that are supposed to increase your range of motion. It is basically yin yoga repackaged to appeal to crossfitters. I like it because I don’t have to think about it. I just do the daily routines, otherwise I would cherry pick and only stretch what I want to. What is also nice is a lot of the folks doing the routines on the video vary in their ability. Sometimes I am more flexible than the folks demoing the routine! When I first started doing ROMWOD three years ago all the routines were about 25 mins long. Since I started back a month ago it seems all the routines are about 15 mins.
My gym has open gym every day and I think it's a $15 drop-in. Driving north for 90 miles has got to be equivalent to taking US 36 anywhere. Take the back route that drops you near Longmont.trying to get around 30K rowing miles in before 12/31 to wrap up this stupid 100K rowing "challenge" - Ive been cranking out 13-15K on sundays during open gym but lots of other folks doing the same - thought I would be slick and go over to Chuze Fitness (sort of a planet fitness type) since I only have one Sunday left to do that
They advertise $9.99 a month - thought that wouldnt be a bad way to knock this thing out - so I go in and ask, well thats if you sign up for a 2 year plan..
Then its $15.95 / month "no contract" - okay Ill do that, so I slide a $20 across the counter, 0h no you have to sign up with direct bank draft to get that rate..
$55 was the monthly rate to pay month to month "Cash" without some sort of trap to get you to forget to cancel your membership and get billed again..
So now I am just going to try and get a little before and after gym if there is time - ******* annoying..
They split in half for easy transport!I think the prize is a shirt so unlike my teenage years my level of committment for a t-shirt is not very high
But its weird ours is basically shut from 10:30 - 4:30 ( break in between classes) they dont appear to do a lot of personal training so Id love for some of those times to be open for this dumb rowing.
whats really sad is our office building has a a huge workout suite in the basement which is mostly cardio equipment ( when our little canadians were here they were on it like white on rice) , but it has 20 of those concept 2 rowers going un-used because they are re doing the basement and the took away our access- be like can I just sneak one of those out for a few weeks?