In April, I left the exam pretty convinced that I'd failed. I still went through the phases, just in a somewhat different way - where I knew I'd probably failed, but managed to convince myself over time that maybe there was a possibility I'd passed - so that was extra disappointing when it turned out that my initial prediction was correct.
This time, I feel much better about it. The morning was kinda rough and I didn't get to a handful of questions, but I feel good about the ones I was able to answer. The very first question of the afternoon was super confusing for me, so that threw me off for a little bit, but I ended up with a little extra time at the end and I feel pretty comfortable with how it went overall.
I know it sounds kinda dumb since I've now spent all the time to take the exam twice, but at this point, I'm not sure I'd try a third time if I didn't pass. That felt a lot like my best effort. I'm sure I'll change my tune by the time the exam results roll around, though. I still have several more weeks of increasing doubt to go through!