RIP - VTEnviro
His Memory Eternal
Multi-modal and the act of conception conjures up a whole lot of gutter worthy images.
One day shy of the best day to have a birthdaySapperPE said:So, we had the first ultrasound today, everything looks good, strong heart beat, one baby...
Secondary Highway is due October 17th!
woohoo!!! Minisnick's due date was Oct 16th and he was born on the Oct 8. Oct is a good month!!!SapperPE said:So, we had the first ultrasound today, everything looks good, strong heart beat, one baby...
Secondary Highway is due October 17th!
WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN. You have been warned.Oh yes, very normal from what I hear as well.
I'm just glad that I'm out of the "freak out" stage and into the acceptance stage.
Ha! My wife and I get to go to birthing class this weekend!!
:lmao: SOOOOO TRUUUUUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN. You have been warned.Oh yes, very normal from what I hear as well.
I'm just glad that I'm out of the "freak out" stage and into the acceptance stage.
Ha! My wife and I get to go to birthing class this weekend!!
My wife had the extreme version of morning sickness with both pregnancies (hyper-emisis or something like that). She had to go to the ER three different times in the first pregnancy alone to get IV fluids because she couldnt keep ANYTHING down, including a spoonful of water to take meds to help. I think we tried 3 or 4 different meds to get it under control before we discovered the only thing that worked was a $50 pill, zofran. I mean $50 per pill because insurance wouldnt cover it due to the fact that at the time it was a drug developed to help with nausea for chemo patients and was only in the testing stages for pregnant women.SapperPE said:Well Secondary Highway is doing a number on Mrs. Highway. My wife has barely been able to get out of bed for the last couple weeks due to morning sickness, which contrary to its name is not limited to just the morning. So, anyway, my mom is flying up to help out around the house, because I am utterly useless with household chores these days between my job, grad school, military education courses I am taking, and monthly drills. My wife and I even discussed hiring a maid. So, my mom is flying in on Monday to cook, clean, and just generally be of help however she can. I have to say, moms are the greatest. The funny thing is that my wife is the one who asked my mom to come. I think my mom is ecstatic to be asked for help from us, since normally we live so far away, we just do our own thing and I think it makes my mom a little sad that she is never "needed", so now she's definately needed and she seems to be very happy. It will be interesting to have her around for a few weeks, hopefully I can make it through.